[center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/KsrRsfX/hood.jpg[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/real-horror-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181231/4b1a75e4fc176e3112216163ac361cdf.png[/img][/url] [h1][color=9e0b0f][i]INITIATES[/i][/color][/h1][/center] [color=929292]Welcome to the land of Tenebris. Make yourself at home within these grim and gothic lands filled with farmers, brewery owners, shopkeepers, knights, tradesmen, lords and, of course, all the monsters. Each regional baron has their own way of ruling their territory as well as their own forms of armed security. But their soldiers are trained to fight other humans. Enter The Red Hoods. The story of the Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf was all just a fable. Or at least a some of it was. You live in a world were monsters exist. Vampires, Demons, Witches, Werewolves... There are creatures that bump in the night and only one defense against them. Us. Founded by the infamous Red Riding Hood, Blanchette Rouge, the Red Hoods is a privately owned military organization comprised of people of various backgrounds and special talents that stand up to those monsters. Technology is still behind. While firearms exist, they're a rarity. Most people use sharpened metal to solve their differences. Automobiles don't exist. Horse, Donkeys, Oxen... These are your Ford, Chevy and Dodges. A medieval setting, but not one that has to be historically accurate. You are an initiate. Untested, unproven. You wear a yellow hood, announcing that you're a rookie. As you grow with the company, you may eventually earn your red hood, making you a badass of supernatural proportion. We are above local authority. The Red Hoods operate like a hive. Though there are satellite locations across the land, they all take orders from their base of operations, which is headquartered in the province of Duncaster and ran by Commander Rouge. [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/sV4LChv/cebc8d3d7a3fe6af0af7d833e371babd.jpg[/img] [i]Blanchette Rouge Red Hood Commander[/i][/center] You become a Red Hood by one of two means: You volunteer or you're forced. Some people seek out a higher calling, joining the Red Hoods for the promise of adventure or to just test their mettle against the creatures of the night. Others were presented with an ultimatum. Serve with the Hoods or die. Those guilty of heinous crimes or those touched by the supernatural themselves are always given a way out before the sentence of death is executed. Everyone with a hood made their choice and so shall you.* [center]-+-+-+-+-[/center] This is a big world and there is a lot to cover, but exploring and learning is much more fun than memorizing, so information about the world around you will be given gradually through dialogue and gameplay. Here's what you need to know right off the bat...[/color] [hider=Your Character] [h2]Your Character[/h2] [color=929292]You have been summoned to the headquarters of the Red Hoods after making your decision to join. The first thing to consider when coming up with your character is your species.[/color] [i][b]Human[/b][/i] [indent][color=929292]Humans are the most prolific of The Red Hoods. They train hard, can move about society freely, and can hold their own in a fight, especially in groups. Your Human Initiate might have volunteered or they might have been tasked with joining if they've committed criminal acts. Consider your motivations for being an Initiate as it will very likely come up during gameplay. Humans who volunteer are the most trusted among the ranks. As a Human, you will be given favor and enjoy leniency within the organization. If you happen to lose your cool and get in a fight with a fellow Hood, you'll likely be punished, but if a Supernatural Hood commits the same offense, it could mean the end of their life.[/color][/indent] [i][b]Werewolf[/b][/i][color=929292] [indent]Most of the month, you look like any other human. For the 3 days surrounding the Full Moon, however, the beast within comes out. You are new to being a werewolf. Maybe you were bitten recently and volunteered to join the Red Hoods because they may help you find a cure or maybe they can help train you to control your other self or perhaps you trust them most to keep your beast in line during the nights that you can't. Perhaps you didn't volunteer at all and your secret got out and it was either join the Hoods or die by the hands of one. In any case, you're a monster amongst monster killers. Your peers look at you with suspicion and unease. You've got a lot to prove and if you mess up, one of your mates will happily strike you down just as they've been trained. You are resilient, though, and can take a beating. However, there are disadvantages to your curse. You have a weakness to silver. It is irritating to the touch and causes a grave infection when the chemical element is introduced to your supernatural bloodstream. You will also surely die if your head is severed or if your body is destroyed by fire or other means. [b][i]Human Form:[/i][/b] This is the form you will assume most. As a Human who is infected with lycanthropy, you enjoy a few perks such as heightened senses, night vision, supernatural stamina and reflexes. Lycanthropy is a product of supernatural venom secreted in an Alpha werewolf's bite. You will learn more about this in your training, but for now make sure to note that somewhere on you is a bite mark that will never heal. [i][b]Wolf Form:[/b][/i] A werewolf in this world looks like a bipedal monstrosity with a wolf's face. Though werewolves can travel on all fours, they are not limited to doing so. As a wolf, your strength and senses grow exponentially. You can no longer communicate as a human would. Your canine snout cannot move the same as your human lips. If you keep calm, you can influence the way your wolf behaves to a certain degree, but if you get worked up or your adrenaline skyrockets, the Beast will take over and you will fall prey to your innate bloodlust. You do that and the Red Hoods around you will put you down. Though werewolves multiply via biting, not all werewolves can pass the curse along. You must be an Alpha Werewolf and, currently, you are not.[/indent][/color] [i][b]Vampiric[/b][/i][color=929292] [indent]So you've got some vampire blood in you, eh? I would exercise caution if you pick this route. The Red Hoods operate during the day and the night. If you choose a vampiric character, you've got to make sure you can keep up. [i][b]Vampire:[/b][/i] You've recently been turned into a vampire. You're still getting used to your physical changes as well as your new thirst and abilities. You've got fanged teeth that are subtle, but ever-present. Your skin is usually pale unless you've just fed[i] (you [i]can[/i] technically survive on animal blood, just like college kids can technically survive on ramen noodles, but Human Blood is definitely where you'll get the most nourishment)[/i]. Both of these physical attributes can lead any experienced eyes to spotting you in a crowd and you've just happened to join an organization filled with experienced eyes. Direct sunlight will burn you, making you extremely vulnerable when tasked with daytime missions, which you most certainly will be. Impaling or destroying your heart by any means (doesn't have to be wood) will kill you, just as beheading and burning you will accomplish the same task. You do have some perks, though. Your strength and speed are enhanced, even more so after feeding. You have night vision and the ingestion of blood will heal even the most serious of wounds. You are now ageless and immortal. As a demon in a human's body that is driven by the thirst for blood, The Red Hoods trust you least of all in their ranks. [i][b]Dhampir: [/b][/i]This is a half-vampire. In most lore, a Dhampir is made when a pregnant woman is bitten and infected by a vampire turning her offspring into a mixed species, which means there was a very specific set of circumstances that brought your character into the world. Because of that, I am limiting this to one (1) player. A Dhampir is weak in the sunlight, but will not explode. Your strength is dampened to human levels and your eyesight is poor in the day. Out of the sunlight, they have enhanced strength that is superior to a human's, but inferior to a transformed werewolf or a full blood vampire. They have the same subtle fangs of a vampire, but not the pale skin. They do benefit from drinking human blood, making them heal and enhance their strength for a time, but the unholy thirst is much more muted for them. Whereas a full vampire would have to feed multiple times regularly within a month, a Dhampir might only have to satiate his thirst once in that same timespan. Dhampirs are also not immortal, but age much slower than a human. A full lifespan for a Dhampir can go as far as 200 years. Full blood vampires will develop dark gifts as they age, possibly learning to transform their bodies into heinous creatures or perhaps mastering hypnotism. Any player that plays a full blood vampire will not be old enough to experience any of these gifts yet (but maybe if you come back for the sequel!) Dhampir's will develop no such gifts, no matter how old they get. Thirst and strength is the beginning and the end of the curse.[/indent][/color] [i][b]Spellcaster[/b][/i][color=929292] [indent]Witches and Warlocks and Wizards, oh my! You're a human but with a twist. You've recently been introduced to the arcane arts, likely by a mentor. You're either set on using your newfound literacy in magic tomes to voluntarily aid the Red Hoods and their mission, or you've elected to use the dark arts and have been forced to join the ranks as your punishment. Either way, you've got limitless potential. Spellcasters typically prefer words and incantations to physical confrontation, which means you're a better fighter from afar and would likely get your butt handed to you when it came to straight fisticuffs. Opting to study magic over lifting weights, you are likely slight of frame or even heavyset. The spells at your immediate disposal are small, barely more than parlor tricks, but your prowess will grow with training. Though you are human, power tends to corrupt and your fellow Red Hoods know that. Consequently, you're considered an asset in the war against the Hellions, but you may also prove to be a liability. You will not command any one-shot spells during this campaign and if you attempt to cast a spell on a fellow player, you must both unanimously agree upon the outcome of that action.[/indent][/color] [i][b]Others[/b][/i][color=929292] [indent]You've got an idea for a Red Hood that doesn't fall into these categories? Send me a message, but know that I would definitely prefer a majority of humans over a monster squad.[/indent][/color] [h2]Character Sheet[/h2][color=929292] [indent]We're going to keep this very simple. Like I said, I want exploration and learning, not memorization. Your histories and background are something I want to see unraveled in the game, not prewritten before you even really know the world you're playing in. That said, there are some basics that need to be addressed. [b]Name: Image/Physical Description: Sex: Age: Height: Species: Volunteered or Sentenced to join the Red Hoods: Physical abnormalities (tattoos, scars, etc): Anything else we need to know about you right off the bat (optional):[/b] While I'm not requiring a character history be written out of the official CS sheet, I would definitely keep one in mind so that you have something ready to say when someone finally asks you about your past, and they will.[/indent][/color][/hider] [hider=The World] [h2]The World[/h2] [color=929292]The realm of Tenebris is divided into several provinces, each independently governed by the Baron or Lord of that region. The Red Hood Headquarters, a sizable keep, is located centrally within the province known as Duncaster. Though it sits within a governed province, the land under and surrounding the Red Hood's keep is considered sovereign and the organization is strictly immune to a Baron or Lord's authority. The same is true for each of their smaller satellite locations, of which there is one in every province.[/color] [center]Northern Provinces[/center] [b]Chillwood [i]Ruled by Lord Stagnum[/i][/b] [indent][color=929292]As the name implies, this northern territory is the coldest of them all, given its location. Human population is scarce due to the frigid conditions, which means it a great place for the creatures of the night to hide away. There are known werewolf packs in the area, but because human occupation is so few and the land so vast, it's rare to hear of a human being attacked. Often snowy with massive trees scattering the land, the best living one can make is to be a hunter and trade furs. Hunters with an itch for adventure often trek up here hoping to snag them a WereTrophy.[/color][/indent] [b]Crimson Heights [i]Ruled by Baron Corvus[/i][/b] [indent][color=929292]Some ways south of the Chillwood is Crimson Heights, a mountainous range that is beautiful during the day and terrifying at night. Many of the mountain summits cannot be reached by your average man, which makes is a natural haven for blood drinkers. The Red Hoods have been called in many times to eradicate vampiric nuisances often the trail of blood leads to those mountains. Humans in the area are usually self-preserving and independent. Most don't want to make a profit, they just want to live off the lands and use what mother nature provides. They are also usually prepared to defend themselves at the drop of a hat, whether from natural or supernatural creatures alike.[/color][/indent] [center]Central Provinces[/center] [b]Stathford [i]Ruled by Lord Hickory[/i][/b] [indent][color=929292]This province is mostly made up of farmers and ranchers who make a living off the land and trade their goods amongst themselves and the rest of the provinces. Dirt roads, vast fields, herd animals. While there are sightings of the supernatural, life in this land is usually pretty quiet.[/color][/indent] [b]Sinstead [i]Ruled by Baron Neasley[/i][/b] [indent][color=929292]Merchants, merchants, merchants! This entire province is practically one big marketplace. From the deadliest of weapons to the most exotic fashion, this is the place to go when you're ready to spend some money. There is a downside to this province's lavish nature. Residents are unfortunately forced to hustle to survive. Gambling, prostitution, thievery, muggings, organized crime... Just think of this place like a medieval Las Vegas. It is also a favorite spot of monsters as it's very easy for people to go missing in an overpopulated spectacle of tourism and guilty pleasures.[/color][/indent] [b]Duncaster [i]Ruled by Lady Glendale[/i][/b] [indent][color=929292]This is the province that proudly houses the Red Hood Headquarters. Due to their proximity to the HQ, this province is often considered the safest and most peaceful in the land, which means people will pay big money to live there. Most of the architecture is unique and exquisite, the central occupants are all very well off financially and put their money back into society, making for a beautiful aesthetic of marble and stone. Trades within the province are vast with the middle class and lower paying jobs mainly being found on the outer edges of the territory while the upper class families are more centrally located, managing their businesses and financial affairs from afar.[/color][/indent] [center][b]Southern Providences[/b][/center] [b]Ironhaven [i]Ruled by Lord Broddux[/i][/b] [indent][color=929292]War! Huh! Good God, y'all! This is what this province is known for. While the Red Hoods are in charge of recruiting and training their own to combat the forces of the supernatural, the world still has conflicts of more mundane proportions. These lands are harsh, hot, and unforgiving. Because of that, this desert landscape is known for breeding hardened individuals. Several militaristic academies, warriors for hire, and rough necks in general call this place home. If you're a wealthy nobleman and you've got your own squad of personal bodyguards, chances are they've spend some time here training and getting tough. Most of the lands military elite are composed of academic alumni from this region. The men and women here are almost all in very fit shape. In the modern world, you might give a 5 year old a bike for their birthday. In Ironhaven, chances are you're getting your first sword. From personal security, military contracts, or even blacksmithing armors and weapons, the residents have figured out a way to make money playing to their strengths. Supernatural threats are rare, but existent, here.[/color][/indent] [color=929292]There are several other villages and territories that we will explore throughout this saga, but this should give you a decent first step into this world and how your character might fit in it. There is no province that is totally immune from supernatural habitation. Just because it would be rare for a particular species to be in a particular place does not mean it's impossible. If you'd like to introduce a new place that your character might have history in, I'm all for it. Be sure to give it some detail and I'll make it canon.[/color][/hider] [hider=Expectations] [h2]Expectations[/h2] [color=929292]Your first post will ultimately involve your character entering the Keep of the Red Hoods as a rookie initiate. Just because you passed through the gate does not mean you're in the club. You will be tested, asked about, observed, judged and trained. Think of how you want your character to fit into this world, what they bring to the table that makes them stand out, and what makes them interesting to learn about and little by little show us that in your posts. My job, as I see it, is to guide you through a main path with preset challenges that will take you through the beginning, climax and ultimate resolution of this particular campaign. Your job, as I see it, is to make the journey through that path as interesting as possible. If you prefer purely reactive gameplay where the GM says "A monster appears" and you promptly fight it and then you stand there thinking "Now, what?" then you may be better off with a different game. I want the players that will fight the monster and then take it upon themselves to figure out where that monster came from, possibly discovering or creating a subplot around the motivations of the attack. I want players that, during the downtime between big conflicts, come up with ways to explore their own backstories and unresolved issues with the world. And, hell, take one of your new friends with you on the ride! I certainly won't penalize anyone within this freshman campaign for exclusively reactive gameplay, but I have to admit that when a sequel comes up and you reapply, I'm going to keep previous campaigns in mind when deciding what applications to accept. I'm going to do my best to keep things moving, keep it structured, and hit you all with challenges along the way. All I ask is that you embrace creativity and make your audience care about your character.[/color] [center]Posting Schedule[/center] [color=929292]When momentum is lost, even the best of RPs may die. I am requesting at least 1 post per week from all players. That's once in a span of 168 potentially available hours. I will tag you in OOC when you've hit 2 days from deadline and 1 day from deadline as a courtesy as long as I can remember to. If the deadline is breached, I'll issue a formal warning for the first offense. The second time it is breached, I will temporarily control your character, if needed, to move the scene along and issue the second formal warning. If there is a Third breach, you will be asked to abandon the RP and your character will be tastefully written out of gameplay. If there is a situation like an upcoming vacation or a death in the family or something of that nature that will affect your posting schedule, just let me know what's going on and I'll certainly work with you. If you know you're going to be offline for a while but don't know how long, we can definitely write in a way to sideline your character during your absence and pick back up when you return. Overall, I don't want to be rule-pusher, but I also don't want this to go stale. Stagnation is RP cancer and I've seen too many games die from it.[/color][/hider] [color=929292]There are limited available slots for this campaign (though I could be convinced to open up more for the right applicants). If the roster fills and you still want in, I'll be happy to keep a reservation log and hit you up if one of the players drops early. That said, if a player drops and it will be more problematic to bring in a new person (like toward the middle or end of the campaign when we're starting to wrap things up), I reserve the right to not make any replacements.[/color] [i]*[color=black]Yes, I'm totally ripping off Game of Thrones' Night's Watch with this aspect[/color][/i]