[CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/PVN1L81.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [center][h1][b]Two Year or 20 months Time Skip[/b][/h1][/center] Interactions: Sliver [@BladeSS4] Location: Queens Venom sat on top of the Queens Plaza Park. Her vision blurred slightly after the long night of drinking and having mindless sex. Yet her breakfast had an alcohol percentage way over 30. She drank the bitter toxic and thought back to yesterday’s events. ------------------------------------------------- It had felt so much like a normal day. Same songs playing over the radio, and Gwen had prepared herself for the normal joke about her top being too revealing, when she approached the lab. She and doctor Conners were about to secure new funding. Finally, they were free from the clutches of Norman Osborn and his never-ending grudge, when they lost the Symbiote. She had had her hand on the door handle, when the explosion sent her flying backwards. She had hit the pavement and instantly her senses were at 110%. All except her hearing. Only an unnerving high-pitch tone existed. Her heart pounded like an angry gorilla, and she jumped up without any fear of being exposed as Venom. Her black suit materialized right there on the street. That’s when she heard it. A laughter. Though everything else was just a single tone, the laughter broke through. It was so quick, and for a second, she thought she saw a goblin-like creature on some kind of a board. Then it was gone. No longer Gwen, but Venom, she had launched herself forward and into the burning building. Flames and smoke made everything into an incomprehensible inferno where only hopelessness reigned. [color=f7976a]“Curt!”[/color] she had yelled out in her slightly obscured Venom-voice. Nothing. She tackled a new door and proceeded deeper into the firestorm. Had her mouth not been covered and had she not been able to breath inside the suit, the very air itself would undoubtedly have been poisonous. Suddenly she spotted a figure in the rubble. Next second she was by his side and lifted away some of the debris. One of the supporting beams, a massive thing, trapped his left arm. Doctor Curtis Conners opened his eyes. [color=f7976a]“It’s gonna be alright, sir,” [/color]Venom said and tried to imitate a superhero. With all her might she grabbed the beam and attempted to lift it off. The thing hardly moved. She tried again and even panting like crazy, she could not move the massive object. [color=6ecff6]“Gwen… Gwen let me see your face,”[/color] Curt said, surprisingly soft. Her hearing was back. She hesitated and then drew back the liquid mask and let him see her. How he knew didn’t matter, only how he was doing. [color=6ecff6]“My dear Gwen, you… you have to cut it,”[/color] he told her. For hours she had watched him in the hospital. For hours she had waited for the surgery to end. By the time she was finally told that he would be alright, she already knew that she would only find comfort in the bottom of a bottle. ------------------------------------------------- Now only the thought of vengeance seemed to dull her pain. [i]It was Osborn. It must be. He realized the connection between my alter ego and the Symbiote that Curt and I lost. Perhaps he realized the purpose of my plan: That I was going to be the venom that would cripple Oscorp Industries. But how did he find out? And why now? He must have had help. Someone who had a beef with Venom. Perhaps Hydra. Perhaps someone else.[/i] A dead man mounted the rooftop of Queens. At least the rumor said he was dead. The very same guy whom had fought at Venom side almost 2 years ago: Sliver. He seemed to have noticed her too. Venom finished her bottle of breakfast, stood up and let the suit conceal her lips once again.