Witnessing Bugsy's stand, and Bugsy's subsequent reaction, told Leonard all he needed to know about this individual. Due to a weakness of spirit, he couldn't fully control this clown-like stand. In many ways, the uncontrolled were more dangerous than the villainous. At least those individuals had set goals and thus were predictable, acting in accordance with a pattern. An uncontrolled stand could cause trouble anywhere at any time. Leonard felt confident that he had taken the correct course of action, positively reinforcing Bugsy's confidence. It would only be a matter of time before this would-be comedian had control, and thus was no longer a threat. And if he used his stand for the wrong reasons, well, all Leonard had to do was slash the symbol from his notebook to cripple the man back into a nervous wreck, and subsequently beat him down until he understood the ramifications of his actions. Simple. [color=gold]"That is called a stand, a manifestation of your soul and fighting spirit. Weakness of character results in weakness of the stand, and vice versa. With your newfound confidence, you should be able to manifest it at will, with a little practice. But a fair warning, Mr. Bugsy. There are a great many stand users on the rise, many who are not friendly. Those who misuse their power... [i]Must be put down.[/i] Do you plan on misusing your power, Mr. Bugsy?"[/color] To emphasize his point. Leonard idly fingered the holster strap to his pistol. The confidence power hadn't taken too strong an effect yet, so best to get the message across and set in stone before the comedian decided that his new power gave him carte blanche to do whatever he wanted.