[b]Character Name:[/b] Grisha [b]Race:[/b] Saiyan [b]PL:[/b] 910 [b]Time/Date:[/b] Day 1, Morning [b]Location:[/b] Tailgate Parking Lot [b]Tagging:[/b] Open, Lena (NPC) [hr] The tournament parking lot was full of RVs, lawn chairs, coolers, and bbq grills. Tailgaters were blasting country music, classic rock, rap, whatever music one could think of as they drank their beers and shared their delectable splendor with their neighbors. There were both radios and TVs in the parking lot that they were watching the tournament on. The wiser spectators knew it was safer at times to be outside the stadium during competitions for sometimes the battle left the stage and collateral damage affected the stands. There was a stout man painting some steaks he had roasting over a fire with his special marinade. The blonde-haired, pot-bellied man sipped from his can of IPA and grinned happily at the sight of his dripping works of art. The bouillon was just streaming. Turning his head to grin over his shoulder at his wife, the man cheerfully exclaimed, “Look at these steaks! Aren’t these the sexiest things you’ve ever seen?” His wife was wearing a red bikini top and frayed, short-shorts as she was bent over a plastic table, fiddling with the television set. “That’s nice honey,” she said in a preoccupied voice. Her husband regarded her backside, his cheeks flushing as the corners of his mouth arched lewdly. He returned his blue sights to the grill and stumbled backwards with a startled gasp when he saw a mysterious man crouched before it. He was dressed oddly—definitely clothes not from around here. Steel pauldrons adorned his shoulders beneath a thick cape of what could have been a bear pelt for all he knew. Bones from strange animals adorned a neck that looked to be as wide as his forearm. There was an odd crown upon the foreigner’s head. It had a white mane and it looked to be comprised of a menacing skull. He had to have been a competitor or a foreign native. The blonde man’s mouth hung open. He was lost for words as he watched the foreigner stare at his steaks. He then saw something…it was swaying behind him. It resembled the tail of a monkey—did he have a tail? The man’s mouth fell open even wider as he stared at it. What was this thing? The foreigner smiled and leaned close to the grill, giving two deep whiffs of his food. A grin then expanded on his face, seeping with drool. “Aah, it good meat!” the foreigner exclaimed. He then reached for the meat without his permission but rather than a protest, what slipped from the stunned man’s mouth was: “Hey! Be careful it’s-” The foreigner stood as he raised the dripping steak over his mouth. He was massive. The blonde man’s eyes swelled to the size of saucers and his face paled. He squeaked, “Uh…never mind.” He watched the foreigner snag the steak between his teeth, and slowly it whittled away as though into a grinder with the guidance of a single finger. The giant’s cheeks swelled with the flavors of coal, umami, and a sweet smokey marinade. He smiled as a tear near came to his eyes. It tasted so good! “Grisha!” a scolding voice sounded from behind the foreigner. The blonde man’s brows rose. It sounded like a girl, but he couldn’t see her passed the giant’s frame. She finally marched up next to him and with her hands upon her hips, she frowned up at the giant and growled, “I told you not to run off! Geez, you can’t follow directions.” She then glanced over to the blonde man and his grill. Her blue eyes went from the grill up to Grisha and his munching, and then back down to the grill. The girl’s eyes widened and she screamed in panic, “AH!” “Grisha! Did you steal this man’s food!?” The blonde man rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. He didn’t want any trouble—especially not with the big guy. “Oh, it’s okay. I’m glad he likes it.” “Meat good!” Grisha exuberantly exclaimed. “No; it’s not okay. I’m trying to teach him not to steal,” the girl, Lena, told the man. She then crossed her arms before her chest and glared at Grisha. “Grisha, you stole this man’s food without asking. You can’t do that. It’s wrong. You have to apologize now.” The giant peered down at the little girl and his once happy smile vanished and sank into a disappointed frown. Pressing his arms against his sides, Grisha bowed until his large frame was parallel to the ground, and there was a loud hiss of his face meeting the grill. “Sorry,” he apologized. Both Lena and the blonde man shrieked in shock as his crown suddenly burst into flame: “AH!”