[centre][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE4LjUzNDg1Ni5RMmhoY21GamRHVnlJRzVoYldVNi4wAAAA/dragonslapper.regular.png[/img] [color=9C8CA1]Raddik[/color] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE4LjUzNDg1Ni5VbUZqWlRvLC4wAAAA/dragonslapper.regular.png[/img] [color=9C8CA1]Saiyan[/color] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE4LjUzNDg1Ni5VRzkzWlhJZ1RHVjJaV3c2LjAAAAA,/dragonslapper.regular.png[/img] [color=9C8CA1]910[/color] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE4LjUzNDg1Ni5WR2x0WlM5RVlYUmxPZywsLjAAAAAAAA,,/dragonslapper.regular.png[/img] [color=9C8CA1]Day 1, Morning[/color] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE4LjUzNDg1Ni5URzlqWVhScGIyNDYuMAAAAAAAAAA,/dragonslapper.regular.png[/img][color=9C8CA1]Registration Booth[/color] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE4LjUzNDg1Ni5WR0ZuWjJsdVp6bywuMAAAAAAAAAAA/dragonslapper.regular.png[/img][color=9C8CA1]None[/color] [color=9C8CA1]_____________________________________________________________________________________[/color][/centre] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE4LjUzNDg1Ni5RbVZsY0M0dUlFSmxaWEF1TGlCQ1pXVndMaTQsLjAAAAAAAAAA/dragonslapper.regular.png[/img] [color=9C8CA1]Raddik's eye's would open slowly to the continuous rhythmic beeping of his navigation console. The Saiyan warrior would grunt annoyed at his sleep being disturbed. If one were to say the warrior was beyond agitated they would be far from the truth. Truth was he was two seconds from smashing the console, if it wasn't for the fact he would die, he would have done it weeks ago. He wasn't sure at one point his brain wasn't addled enough to do it anyways and risk the consequences. Being out in space for long amounts of time alone would do that to ones mind, either that, or searching every hostile planet within untold miles of untold space. He was sick of this pod, sick of these planets full of weaklings, sick of searching endlessly for someone who was probably dead as it was, and most of all... he was SICK of the damn BEEPING! Raddik raised his fist threateningly in the pod but relented in the end letting it drop back down on the arm rest, instead he reached forward and clicked one of the many buttons. [b]"Approaching unidentified [u]Planet 4032-877"[/u][/b] A voice depicting a soulless machine would softly speak, Raddik would look out of the pod window to see a planet coming into view. It seemed that this was the last planet in this sector where General Oniyon could have landed. The Saiyan would cross his arms as the blue orb mixed with green would come closer, he had about as much hope of finding the General on this planet as he did on the countless others he had searched on. It was supposed to be a simple mission, just another planet to be colonized, go in and take the resistance and clear the planet. No one had seen that comet coming, before any of them knew it, the unit had been destroyed and General Oniyon was sent spiraling in one direction and Raddik was tossed in the other. He had spent days on some distant planet trying to repair the damage caused to his ship in the incident. An than the next many tracking General Onyion's trajectory. If he failed to find the General or at least his body than he could not return to Planet Vegeta. Abandoning ones General is cowardice and his return would be marked in shame, his pride destroyed. There was no choice in the matter for Raddik, he would continue his search no matter the risk of how long it would take. His pod would turn a dark shade of red as it entered the atmosphere of the mysterious planet, he would feel the heat radiating against the ship as he plummeted towards the ground to what he did not know. [centre][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/2uxy2QzThNFfYVJo5A/giphy.gif[/img][/centre] There was a loud [b]*hiss*[/b] as the door to the small Saiyan pod opened forward within the huge crater the impact had been. Raddik would pick up the scouter and place it over his eye and ear as he placed a firm hand on the outside of the pod and pulled himself forth effortlessly as his feet hit the soft dirt. [i]`Hmm`[/i] Raddik looked around idly, it was quiet here, almost peaceful, with a small push he would leave the ground and levitate into the air. Moving forward he would set back down on the edge of the crater as he surveyed his surroundings. He seemed to be in an empty field, in the distance he spotted some smaller pink creatures shambling about, uninterested in his arrival. [b]*Honk*[/b] He would turn his head to the sound of a loud shrill noise, a small red vehicle would come to a screeching stop feet away from him as a man hopped out of it, weapon in hand. Raising his hand he would click the button on the side of his scouter, and outline would envelope the new arrival and a display would quickly appear: [i]Unidentified Life form Power Level: 1 Threat Level: Minimal[/i] [color=gold][b]"Who are you stranga!? Identify yurself!"[/b][/color] Raddik would find himself grunting again as he lowered his hand. It seemed that this planet did not possess very high leveled beings. He did not have the time nor the patients to deal with such a weakling. Taking a step forward the man would raise his weapon towards him. [color=gold][b]"You stop right dere stranga!"[/b][/color] [b]*Whack*[/b] Without any warning the gun would fly out of eyesight as Raddik's tail slapped it from the mans hands before wrapping around his waist once more. Disarmed the man would quickly stumble backwards over his own feet and fall on his butt backing away from the Saiyan. Taking a step forward Raddik covered the distance and reached down grabbing the man lifting him effortlessly into the air letting his feet dangle beneath him. Lifting his free hand he snapped his wrist as he stuck out his pointer finger, a deep purple glow would form at its tip. [b]*Beep*[/b] Raddik would draw his attention to his scouter as it automatically lite up. He released his grip on the man as he slapped the ground butt first and quickly crawled away on his knee's in a panic. [i]Several Lifeforms twenty miles South East Power Levels Varied Threat: Moderate[/i] [i]~Thats more like it~[/i] he thought to himself, maybe this planet had some entertainment to offer if he was going to be forced to suffer it anyways. Clicking his scouter back off he turned his attention back to the man from before whom was climbing into his vehicle. Raddik would scoff as he went forward and with a solid kick the vehicle lifted from the ground and flew violently and quickly as it crashed into the ground a distance away with a small explosion. [b]"Pitiful creature."[/b] Raddik spat the words out bemused as he levitated into the air and sped off south east. [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLjUzNDg1Ni5UVzl0Wlc1MGN5QlFZWE56WldRZ0xpQXVJQzQsLjAAAAAA/dragonslapper.regular.png[/img] Raddiks feet would touch down gracefully on the cold hard ground as a slew of the inhabitants of this planet would suddenly have their eye's trained on him. [color=green][b]"Yo! Did you see that man!? He just came flying in!"[/b][/color] There was a large bottle of whispers and talk among the various inhabitants before him, they all pointed at him. Raddik's lip would go up at the edge as these... creatures kept pointing at him and whispering to each other, his ire was quickly rising as he closed his fist, his fingers cracking along with his joints. When he felt a solid slap right across his butt, Raddik would turn in pure anger, intending to destroy his assaulter, but his eye's would suddenly fall on what appeared to be a young woman. [color=pink][b]"Wow, aren't you a muscular one, you must be here for the martial arts tournament right? How bout we forget the tournament and you come home with me muscle man?"[/b][/color] Raddik's eye would twitch slightly as a small bit of red went into his cheeks as the woman gave him a wink and giggled before walking away. Feeling his agitation slowly start to dissipate, the ones around him would return to talking and laughing, his presence no longer of interest. Martial Arts Tournament? So this was why there seemed to be such varied power levels here, it was a fighting competition. Raddik could hardly ignore the boiling blood inside at the prospect of fighting, his lust for battle quickly overtook his disgust of these weak creatures. Perhaps he could partake in this tournament if only to stretch his muscles, maybe see if there was any worthwhile fighters on this planet. He would find himself making for what appeared to be the registration booth, why not? If he had to suffer this planet he might as well have some fun.[/color]