[b][I]Please note that this is still a work in progress! :)[/i][/b] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/linoleo-script-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190101/80f76e1ec0b57ba39bcb81c5ca691139.png[/img][/url][/center] [Hider=Our Grace] [b]Name[/b]: Grace Anne Meyers (commonly known as "Grace," very rarely as "Gracie" or "Lady Grace") [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Gender[/b]: CIS female; she/her pronouns [b]D.O.B[/b]: September 26, 1991 [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4827/44735322910_5ef465e316.jpg[/img] [img]https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7899/32679586708_659dc6ed14_n.jpg[/img] Blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and almost always conservatively-dressed, Grace is built to fit in. She is the sort of person whose appearance matches her personality—sweet, nonthreatening, approachable. In recent years, stress has caused her to lose a bit of weight, making her features a bit sharper and her energy a bit lower. (Her brother, Tommy, is trying to fix this.) She wears a lot of blue (to match her eyes) and white (to match her family image of a good, modest girl). [hider=Personality][b]Personality[/b]: Grace's most prominent traits are these: she is big-hearted, self-critical, and sensitive, sometimes to her detriment. As a little girl, she worried she was not interesting or creative enough to live up to the standards set by Glenn and the rest of the playgroup; as an adult, she fears she will always fall short of what's expected of her. She's always been kind, but has been forced to learn that kindness does not guarantee security, and some of her childhood softness has gone brittle as a result. As a child, she cried easily; as an adult, she's much the same, but has learned to be ashamed of that vulnerability and tries not to be so obvious about it. Despite this, she has a strong sense of justice that has gotten sharper as she has gotten older, and she'll often stand up for someone else before herself. [/hider] [hider=Biography][b]Biography[/b]: Grace grew up as the younger of two children in an upper-middle-class household. Her home life was good, her parents loving, and her brother as affectionate and present as a sibling four years her senior could be. Her mother owned a successful real estate business and her father worked at a bank. The Meyers family was, above all else, respectable, and just well-off enough to join the local country club, which is how Grace met Bree. As a little girl, Grace was a people-pleaser who often followed the stronger personalities around her. She was in awe of Bree's determination, Glenn's creativity, and Valeran's ability to strike out on his own and be himself. When the group broke up over time, Grace made many new friends, but not many close ones. And when she washed out of med school—to her extreme shame—she regressed. Unwilling to go so far as to move back in with her parents, she instead moved into her brother Tommy's apartment while she tried to get her life back on track. In this time, she also lost her steady college boyfriend, who didn't know how to handle her transition from promising someday-doctor to aimless part-time bookseller. At the time that the role-play starts, Grace is a bit adrift, trying to figure herself out, and suffering from mild-to-moderate depression. [/hider] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [color=22A4C9][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKUdTByHIM4][u]"Tied Together With a Smile" - Taylor Swift[/u][/url] [I]Hold on, baby, you're losing it; the water's high, you're jumping into it and letting go, and no one knows that you cry, but you don't tell anyone that you might not be the golden one… And you're tied together with a smile, but you're coming undone.[/I][/color] [/hider] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/linoleo-script-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190103/05edc4e33867e5a16ef7cb31c0d6d6af.png[/img][/url][/center] [hider=Our Lady Gwennelyn] [b]Name of you Hero:[/b] Gwennelyn [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class[/b]: Sorcerer [b]Alignment[/b]: Grace has transitioned from being lawful good as a child (very oriented toward following the rules) to neutral good as an adult (more inclined to do what she [I]feels[/I] is right, which is a more natural direction for her personality) [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7826/46892632071_54132e6fd3_n.jpg[/img] [hider=Hero Personality][b]Hero Personality:[/b] Gwennelyn is kind, but fiercely so, known to step in and protect those who cannot protect themselves. She believes strongly in the powers of forgiveness and redemption—that no one is irretrievably lost. She knows there is darkness in every heart (and, privately, fears the darkness she sees in her own, tamping it down obsessively, possibly to the point of her detriment). She is fond of music, and while there is nothing magical about her voice, it is pretty, and she's known to strike up a tune to cheer up other members of the party or, in times of distress, provide solace.[/hider] Weapon: [a sword, a magical staff, fans, be creative] [Hider=Abilities, Spells, and Origin][b]Abilities/Spells:[/b] Sorcerers do not make themselves; they [I]are[/I] made, whether by birthright, magical accident, or some other twist of Fate. And when young Grace fell into Fairyland, she had some idea of what she wanted to be—brave, kind, [i]magical[/i]—but did not know [I]how[/I] to be those things. Her creativity, further crippled by anxiety, fell short. So Fairyland took that energy, all of that potential…and used it to fill in the gaps. Grace wanted to be creative; Gwennelyn gained the powers of minor illusion. Grace, ever the bleeding heart, wanted to her kindness to be a strength, not a weakness; Gwennelyn's tears themselves had the power to heal wounds both psychic and physical. Grace wanted to be liked exactly as she was; Gwennelyn's pure-hearted charisma gave her an advantage in negotiations and persuasion. Grace wanted to be useful and respected; Gwennelyn developed the ability to exchange magical favors in deals that were binding, where to break the oath would do damage to either party.[/hider] [hider= Skills: Combat and Non-Combat][b]Non-Combat Skills:[/b] Gwennelyn is an avid reader with a sharp memory for lore, arcana, and important names or details. Even without her magically-enhanced charisma, she is good at putting people at their ease. She's also a deft hand with a needle—no stunning seamstress, but able to make small repairs and do simple embroidery. [b]Combat Skills:[/b] Gwennelyn is merciful, but determined. She plays largely a support role in battle, shielding innocents or injured, distracting the enemy with illusions, etc. When forced into an actual fight, she's surprisingly good at hand-to-hand combat—deft, agile, aiming to incapacitate instead of kill whenever possible.[/hider] [hider=Lore][b]Hero Lore:[/b] Particularly through lore and the way stories grow as they are told and retold, Gwennelyn became a figure known for minor miracles. It's said that she once cried over a dark elf and her tears healed his broken heart, pulling him back into the path of the light. It's also been said that she hid an entire village from an invading army by casting an illusion that made it appear as if the village were simply…not there. It's said that even now, there is a dragonlord who still owes her a mighty favor—in return for what, no one is sure, for both Gwennelyn and the dragonlord have remained mum. [/hider] Battle Theme: [the theme that plays as you vanquish your enemies] [/hider]