Name (& pronunciation): Shade Nightfall Nicknames/Aliases: Phazer, Shadowstalker Date of Birth (& age): 4/16; 17 Place of Birth: NAC county hospital Gender: Male Physical Description (Human) Tall, dark, creepy, lurking, with strange animalistic black eyes, black hood [img][/img] Height: 6 foot exactly Weight: 120 Detailed Physical Description: Has many scars from fights, wears all black. His hair is black, and his skin is very pale. Like, never-seen-the-sun pale. Has a gleam of madness in his eyes. (Monster) [img][/img] Typical Attire/Clothing/Equipment: Black clothing, obsidian rings and bands on his wrists and fingers. A large supply of knives he has in hidden pockets all over his hoodie. Personality/Attitude: He is a very straightforward person. If he's doing something, or want's something, he'll walk through anyone and anything to get there. Skills/Talents: Mimicry, pick pocketing, parkour. Likes: The darkness, suffering, (others, not his own), crushing the hearts and minds of others. Dislikes: Hope, happiness. Fears: Light Guiding Life Philosophy: If I can take it, it's mine. Background: Origin Story: Growing up on the streets is never easy. He had to scrape up a living from stealing what he could from others. But that all changed when he got his power. Now he is a heartless killer, ready to sell his talents as a untraceable blades-for-hire. He's only had two jobs so far, but no one can tell who killed them. He always leaves a large bone knife as a calling card when he's done. [img][/img] Imperium Imperium Code: ZS13579 Imperium Name: Phazer, Shadowstalker Power Name: Shapeshifting, Phazing Power Description: Can shapeshift into any form he's seen before, (i.e. real life, paintings, movies pictures, ect) and can vibrate his body to pass through matter. (like Flash.) Pitfall Name: Sunlight Pitfall Description: Sunlight will give him horrible burns. Like, parts of him catch fire and smoke kind of burns. Artificial light at close range also effectively blinds him for as long as it's there.