Xen Side Story/Character Development [i]"Dear boy....dear boy..it is time...for you to *in a loud whisper*ARIIIIIIISSSSEEEE!!!!!! [/i] The thump of a sinister heartbeat fills the tombs as a purple lightning strike eviscerates the coffin revealing a boy no older than 10. The boy opens his eyes. [i]"Dear Boy---[/i] "Who are you and what have you done to me?" The Boy yells frantically. [i]"I searched for the right mortal. One who had the proper balance of compassion and hatred. My name is Xenatra Alia. The Nephilim of Duality. I bestow the potential of perfect balance and perfect power to you."[/i] Perfect...power? Such a thing immediately intrigued the boy. He recalled how he got into the tomb in the first place. "How do I know you speak the truth spirit?" The boy exclaimed. [i]"You dont mortal. You can continue to be powerless and watch as your people are killed. My offer stands so long as--- [/i] Just then the spirit disappeared. A loud crash making the surrounding earth shake violently. The boy holds tries to maintain his footing and narrowly escapes the tomb. He looks up as two objects that seem to be crystals race towards him then phasing slowly into his body. The three days of ensuing agony the boy would have to endure would be long....two spirits housed in one body fighting for supremacy. One of Chaos and one of Duality. He screams in pain and agony. The energy surging so much it tore through his flesh. The boy remembers his past through the agony. The murder of his mother, his sister's betrayal of their father, and his imprisonment in the tomb. Three Days Have Passed---- "Xen lays in the wasteland. The energies had been contained which means one of the spirits yielded to the other. The Boy arises again, noticeably stronger, his intelligence higher and his wounds healed. His eyes turn black with a golden pupil. A sinister voice speaks [b]"Chaos makes the world go round...lets make it spin just a tad faster.."[/b] Xen points upwards and laughs. A meteor falls from the sky plummeting into the island in which he was born. But he wasn't him anymore. To his horror he see's what he has done but is merely a passenger in his own body. Trapped in his own mind. The Chaos entity laughs hysterically but feels a sharp pain in his stomach and a piece of a magic circle appeared on his chest. [b]"Aww shit Really? That bitch!! Heh...looks like she did learn a thing or two after all."[/b] (Got Questions Find out on the next episode)