[hr] [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/229744757/original.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [b]"That's enough. You've caused so many deaths. I don't want to make this situation more worse that it is. Just please, stop."[/b] Inque laughed at the random stranger's request while Orlando was trying to say something towards the stranger. Before he could finish his sentence, he was silenced swiftly. They were quite curious at the stranger, who was either brave or foolish to investigate the apartment and then ordered the monster to stop killing. So far, he has killed dozens of criminals that were planning to kill citizens in this apartment and saved some of their lives. And they were the ones the stranger was worried about. He stopped laughing and responded, [color=darkslategray]"What do you think would have happened if we weren't here? These thugs would have killed innocent people because of one man. Almost all of them were carrying enough firepower to challenge the authorities outside. You should be thanking us for saving hundreds of lives tonight."[/color] He turned and finally saw the brave stranger. It was a young woman with a black bandit and a white tank top. At first, they thought she was with them; however, she didn't act nor looked like one of them. They got up and carefully looked at the flashlight nearby. Inque walked towards it, turned it off, and grabbed it. They wanted to make sure that she got a clear image of them before deciding what to do next. They wanted to be clear that they aren't killing citizens. In fact, they made sure to not kill civilians at all. Inque went back towards the body and said, [color=darkslategray]"You have seen the bodies, right? You know who they are? Bad people looking to create chaos. We save the blameless. The ones that struggle to survive another day. We attack and kill those that harm the innocent. Like the ones that stormed this building. You are innocent. We won't attack unless you attack us."[/color] Inque carefully approached the woman while holding the flashlight. [color=darkslategray]"You are thinking that we are the monsters. But we are not like them. We might be a monster, but we do not terrorize the innocent for fun. We defend them for the scum that want to ruin lives with drugs and extortion. And we are almost done here. Two more floors left to check. Then we leave. However, we want to reveal ourselves to you since you are innocent. It might be scary to look, but it's an important."[/color] When they got close enough to the woman, they held the flashlight in their face and turned it on. Inque gave her a cold stare and said, [color=darkslategray]"We are the ones that deliver justice. We do what the police can't and city officials refuse to enact. Bad people are out there with plans to ruin the lives of the innocent. We are here to protect them and stop the scum for harming anyone else. If you are seeking a name, then call us Inque and tell everyone about us. And if people believe in you, then tell them that we won't stop until the streets are safe and clean."[/color] And with the speech done, Inque crushed the flashlight with ease and watched it land on the floor. Then, they walked by the woman and descended down the stairs. When Inque got to the third floor, it looked like they unforeseen the woman to be a good fighter. Unfortunately, she didn't kill them and just left them unconscious. They didn't have time to kill all of them sadly and left for the second floor. When they arrived on the floor, it was quiet; but, he knew that the owner of the green car was somewhere. Inque slowly walked across the hallway and carefully examined everything. Then, they heard noises coming from the room nearby. Before the people inside could react, Inque kicked the door down and saw two people in the room. One of them was hiding in the bathroom while the driver was using a cell phone. It was him. Inque walked towards the driver and said, [color=darkslategray]"You must be the very important person in the building, right? I have some questions that you are going to answer."[/color] [hr]