Yeah, I'd like to apologize for being late again! It always feels like such a long wait for posts and then I end up taking six days or more myself lol. Hopefully, I didn't keep you waiting too long. I'll try and post a picture or two of my sketches some time. It's mostly abstract stuff that starts at as realism. It doesn't look all that great though, its just fun to do while listening to music here and there. My favorite thing is sketching in this VR application I have on my computer. When I make a new video of one of my three-dimensional drawings I'll put the link on here. She doesn't need to make anything of them lol, she hasn't even known him for a day. Realistically she won't have more than what her initial impressions yielded of him for a while. You've done a good job of that, I must say! :D Well, the plot runs deep, and we're hardly even at the beginning of what I have roughly planned. I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far! I also greatly appreciate the compliment, your writing always does a good job of reminding of certain things I forget to put in or mention in previous posts. I have PLENTY left to learn of how to portray my tastes. xD I wanted to mention, I really do enjoy the fact that you like to keep certain things like cursing and lewd scenes out of the RP. A lot of people rely on those to keep their story flowing and it's helped me to realize how unnecessary these things are the long term of a story to a higher degree than I once thought. Obviously, you know I won't keep out violence or nakedness out of things if they're necessary, but I know not to use these things as vehicles aside from the brief mention they require out of necessity for detail. Feel free to check me if I go too far, I kind of have a policy of going all out unless directed otherwise so know that you won't be offending me in the least over any corrections. I feel like you know this, but it doesn't hurt to say it again. I hope I didn't control Anora at all in that last post. If I did, let me know! Darsby would have been moving kind of fast with everything so she might not have had time to interrupt too much of it. Just let me know if I need to edit anything! :D