[h2]Assassin[/h2] Cautiously, Assassin kept her blade at the ready, trained on Rider as she did. But it seemed as if this would be the alliance that they would pursue... if Assassin was being frank, she wasn't quite sure she liked it. The manner of Rider's attack, while the warrior himself seemed to be an honorable one, rubbed her the wrong way... but she would comply with her Master's wishes. That was the best path forward, and it meant that her Master would be safer, as well. At least for the moment. Wait... Now that Assassin wasn't focused on a fight, she immediately detected a presence atop a nearby light post. Without a moment's pause, she darted back towards her Master, gaze fixing upon the location from which she felt the presence! "Master! There's another Servant here!" [@Raineh Daze][@Anza][@KoL]