[hider=Bartholomew Whitlock] [center][color=maroon][h1][b][u]Bartholomew Whitlock[/u][/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/2d30497f-dd98-4f4b-b67b-498d2414300f/d9xj3cq-4abca7a0-7ad0-44b5-88fa-723cc6d92ad8.jpg/v1/fill/w_600,h_834,q_70,strp/siliath_vorgan_by_calsantiago_d9xj3cq-fullview.jpg[/img] [/center] [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Height:[/b] 6' 1'' [b]Species:[/b] Werewolf [b]Volunteered or Sentenced to join the Red Hoods:[/b] Sentenced to join. [b]Physical abnormalities (tattoos, scars, etc):[/b] Large claw and bite marks across his body, from the attack that left him cursed. A brand that marks him as a werewolf on his neck, given when forced to serve for the Red Hoods. [b]Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNjgfTfQjCQ[/youtube] [b]Anything else we need to know about you right off the bat (optional):[/b] Only the sound of water dripping off of stone reverberated off the cold walls. He had lost track of time trapped inside his cell, shackled to the walls. No light entered making it impossible to tell whether it was day or night, only by the beast inside him could Bartholomew tell when the sun had set and the moon rose, it getting more restless with each passing night, knowing that the full moon was drawing nearer. Ever since his affliction had occurred he had hidden himself away, moving his home into the nearby woods of his birth village, becoming a reclusive hermit. He only entered the village once or twice a month for certain supplies but had kept to himself. Those nights of the full moon, the beast would take over, his mind taken over by hunger and the need to hunt. How he had managed to keep himself from eating a human he did not know but for the most part the beast remained in the woods on those nights, content on hunting down the wildlife and ripping them to pieces. All until another beast tried to claim his territory, his hunting grown. The fight that had followed led them to close to the village, the townsfolk hearing some form of commotion. By the time he had proven victorious, they had seen him. He managed to reign in some control to get the beast to turn and go into the woods but he was wounded and it was nearly day. The villagers had given chase and then found him, bare to the sun and covered in blood. He struggled but was beaten into submission and hauled off to await death. The scrapping of wood against stone awoke Bartholomew from his light slumber, the torch light from the doorway blinding him. Even without sight though he could tell by scent that this was not his usual visit by the guards for his usual torment and beatings. "So the Hoods have finally come," he said with a scratchy voice and huff ",To make sure one cursed monster is gone from this existence." Bartholomew got no response in return, only silence greeted him from his visitor. "No," his visitor stated after several minutes of silence ",I'm not here to watch you die but rather give you an ultimatum. You might be a cursed child of man and beast, but the Red Hood could use your unique.... talents lets call them." "Oh and why should I help you?" Bartholomew asked in annoyance. "Because if you wish to live and not die like a mongrel beast, then this is your only choice out of here. Live or die Mr. Whitlock, the choice is yours." It only took him a brief moment to decide. As much as Bartholomew hated his cursed fate, to share his body with the monster beneath, he still wished for life and a purpose. Now one was given to him, one that might let him have some form of redemption or at least a suiting death instead of rotting in that cell. "Where do I sign." [/hider]