[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color] & [color=#9370DB]Gene Benaszewski[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.postimg.cc/pTtvYpQV/giphy.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] The Ferry - Elite Deck (Lady Munn's Rooms) [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [hr][/center] Nora nodded, stepping over a bit of the chaos that had developed in Lady Munn's rooms as she went to the bell and paused for a moment. No, it would not have been the purser. They would have had access to master keys and would not have needed to resort to jimmying the lock. Besides, what would they stand to gain? Lauren beat her to it, ringing the bell five times, as Nora's eyes drifted back towards her companions. Just as no one could leave the ship, Nora knew that there was a simply enough way to dispose of forbidden knowledge - chuck it overboard. [color=00ccff]"Do you know if these waters are safe to swim?"[/color] Nora pondered. If they had gotten the information they needed and jumped overboard, even then Nora was not certain if that option was a suitable path. These waters could be infested with some life threatening creatures. If they had taken some method of transportation off of the ship, such as a life raft, one would be missing and unaccounted for. As long as they remained calm, they could solve this issue with reason. Gene then considered Lauren's question - if they should remain in pairs or not as they investigated. [color=#9370DB]"At the very least, stay in pairs - so that way, you won't be blindsided,"[/color] she said, pulling a sweet out of her pocket and popping it into her mouth. She was really horrible at rationing these. [color=#9370DB]"Talk to the crew first - I've got to stick to Lady Munn, as I'm her security. But don't make a fuss around other passengers. If the thief is one of them - and I think that's likely - they'll notice us making a scene."[/color] [color=#9370DB]"Of course, if they're still on the elite deck, then they might know we know already...Doubt it though. Why steal the journal just to peruse its contents here? If I were them, I'd've gone to the busiest, most crowded, loud and annoying place that I could fine. You can vanish into the crowd there and toss the journal into the bins afterwards."[/color] It was mostly Gene thinking aloud. At any rate, she wasn't letting Lady Munn go alone. They'd have to stick to pairs at least - if not going around like one large social group.