[center][hider=Monster Information:][b]Anterling[/b]: (Lvls 1-3) One of the first two neutral enemies you’ll see when entering Veros Plains. Quite different in appearance from the slimes and rats that normally populate other MMORPG’s. These creatures are medium-sized antelopes-like creatures with antlers made out of lighting. Their attacks have a chance to paralyze, often startling newbies. Seen roaming through the clouds and anywhere underneath storms to gather electricity which keeps them alive. These creatures only drop their meat which can be eaten for minimal health recovery for low-level players.[/hider][/center] [color=0054a6]Lycaon’s claws boredly picked between his sharp fangs forming an amused grin.[/color] Watching a few new players cautiously sneaking across the fields like he was another monster way above their level, not that he could blame them. Catching a glimpse of a pack of Anterlings frolicing through the clouds, creating streaks of blue as they passed in-between the low clouds before his nostrils flared up the moment Zee crossed ‘The Gateway Of Beginnings’. Sheathing his blade and quickly assessing his inventory to check on if his crafting recipes had finished brewing. Neither had to travel much further to end up seeing each others avatar. Taking the time to sense nobody else nearby, he called out with bombastic enthusiasm. He casually approached as his party request had been sent to Zee to accept. “Blood Brother! Welcome back.” Lycaon hardly paused after his greeting to get straight to business, which was fairly typical behavior for him. Though his lack of stillness showed some form of excitement; fidgeting paws and claws frequently scratching through his fur, his many tails swaying in constant motion. “We’re waiting on some more members to arrive. Will you be ready to venture into unexplored territory? This might be one of the most important discoveries our server has made in its history.” A statement certainly not to be taken lightly, especially coming from Lycaon. It was true that several locations had yet to be discovered or at least entered even by the upper echelon of players and rumors of various degrees of supplementary evidence expressing ideas of places and even other dimensions not even showing on the map. But finding such a thing sounded too good to be true, and the idea it was anywhere near Veros Plains was an utterly preposterous idea at best. So the question of why had the met there would likely cross one’s mind... And before that could even be responded to, Lycaon received and checked on his new messages. His confident grin briefly turned into a glaring frown before immediately dismissing it, even if his expression couldn't hide his apparent displeasure.