[hider=Kosnitch Yovun] [center] [h1]'Harold' Kosnitch Yovun[/h1] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/d700/f/2010/350/b/0/alien_mech_bust_thing_by_daveigo-d350rd1.jpg[/img] [i]"I' am not human. Move that out of the way before confusion occurs."[/i] Note: The bust is an example of a 'stripped down' version of his head which lacks an as thick protective layer, shed either due to it being unable to be maintained or through taking sufficent damage that it's in Kosnitch's best interest to remove it. The image is not mine. Rights for the image go to their respective owner. [h3][b][Kosnitch Yorf ⫻ Living Worlds ⫻ 28 ⫻ Neutral][/b][/h3] [h2][b]▼ APPEARANCE ▼[/b][/h2] [i]"Your people enjoy ornamentation."[/i] His host takes the form of a humanoid covered in rough, beige skin, with clawed hands and feet. Though he considers clothing unneccessary, he will often wear a loose robe for the sake of others who do care about such things. Up from what appears to be his chin, his face can lift up to reveal a large mouth. Typically, he only opens his mouth by a small fraction, and to most it looks like he is wearing a mask that is lifted up and has food slipped under when eating. [h2][b]▼ PERSONALITY ▼[/b][/h2][hr ][hr ] [i]"Something is always screaming. Let us proceed."[/i] During work hours, Kosnitch is a polite, if direct and to the point, forceful even. His job is to represent the coalition, and will remain composed at all times to protect (or even raise) it's standing. He will engage in pleasantries, but he won't let things be bogged down or muddled by them. Outside of work, he has no patience for the dawdling, show boating, and other annoying forms of time wasting he has to deal with daily in his job. He is irritable and easily bored. He is one to set aside sentiment for greater efficiency and/or speed. His reasons are not spiteful, however. He would just rather be closer to doing something more interesting or productive. For the most part, he just wants to be left alone; where he can have some hope of escaping from the rivals, the exploiters, the liars. And he can only hope once he's searched the room for spying equipment. Suffice to say, he is a somewhat paranoid person. Dealing with others has taught him how to suppress these aspects of himself, however, and conversing with others might be something he actually pursues now and then. He is still the defensive sort, but he is at least not overtly hostile anymore. He is fully able to accomodate for and accept the mannerisms and customs of other peoples, but he often struggles to properly understand them which can cause him and/or others issues. But he has learnt how to correct the situation when he should slip up. Most of the time, at least. [h2][b]▼ BACKSTORY ▼[/b][/h2][hr ][hr ] [i]"You make it seem like you lack jobs. I do not. Clan Yovun has seen to it."[/i] Bought by clan Yovun during his mindless years, by the time he was old enough for education, he had been designated to be an agent for the coalition. Most clans paid at least some of their taxes to the coalition through providing agents. It was also a relatively easy way to have one of their own into a position of, perhaps not power, but freedom, within the coalition. They could spot (or bring) profitable opportunities to the clan before their competitors could, along with the expected dirt scrounging and having someone to help with cover ups. Kosnitch was educated generally; theories concerning the sciences, what he could achieve physically with whatever manipulators his body possessed. Everything an explorer of other worlds would need. And, perhaps most importantly, how to deal fulfil his more bureaucratic duties. There was in-depth stuff concerning humanity, and how to communicate with them and be as approachable as possible; it did at least provide a base to learn off of during his first assignment. Which happened to be doing a lot of paper work for the coalition. New agents weren't trusted to do talks. They had to mingle with the population first to get a grasp of what the text books couldn't teach. And then, when they were ready for a promotion, go through another course making sure they did things the proper way. By the age of 25, Kosnitch was finally considered eligible for work beyond pen pushing and managing the pen pushers beneath him. His work load varies, but it is generally significantly more difficult than the monotony he became used too. Still, with it comes new sights and experiences, and a greater level of freedom. He holds onto such things dearly, and is intent on making sure they don't slip from his metaphorical grasp. [h2][b]▼ ABILITIES & EQUIPMENT ▼[/b][/h2][hr ][hr ] [i]"This is an adaptable host. Your, what are the letters, equipment shall be usable."[/i] His host body has been designed for purposes of survival and adaptability, and features a range of traits that aid Kosnitch in surviving far from coalition support or resupply. Though the host is armed and armoured, it can hardly be considered to be suitable for 'proper' military action or conflict. Such affairs should be left to soldiers, not agents. [b]Capable manipulators:[/b] Though some alterations are present, his hands have been constructed to be able to handle most humanoid equipment Kosnitch is typically expected to deal with. His fingers are not the typical bone containing sort - they are made up of an exo-skeletal shell that covers tentacles that can extend out his finger tips. They are also capable of entirely replacing his fingers. This will result in the finger casing being ruptured though, and will require replacing. Such tentacles are still highly capable of object manipulation. Octopus like suckers aid in this regard, and also aid in climbing. But exposing the tentacles leaves them un-armoured, and most others can find them distressing. His feet share the same capabilities. Whilst armoured, they are claw like, making them useful for digging through soft materials. [b]Flexible hard-skin:[/b] His body is covered in thick layers of protective skin, flexible skin. In this state, it provides protection from most environmental hazards, and can seal itself to survive in vacuums such as space. It is capable of hardening, whilst avoiding being brittle, to provide greater protection against military grade weaponry. It blunts the effect of small arms fire, but concentrated attack will result in it being broken down. It can shift between the states naturally, though this typically takes a 24 hour period. Drugs can shorten this process to around 20 minutes. [b]Enhanced regeneration:[/b] What it says on the tin. His blood clots quickly and scabs form hastily over wounds. The host also recovers at an accelerated rate when compared to humans, but to a none meaningful degree in hazardous situations. It mostly functions to reduce down-time due to injuries. Organs, such as nerves, which typically cannot be replaced if damaged, can be. [b]Enhanced physical abilities:[/b] As to be expected, the host boasts capabilities that exceed an unenhanced human of the same mass - bones are stronger, muscles are compact allowing for greater strength, reflexes are faster and endurance is greater. They aren't capable of punching through concrete walls, but they don't need to be when bone and flesh is far softer. His body is capable of quickly building muscle mass or fat, and just as swiftly shedding it. He contains sturdy internal sacks that can fill with oxygen for storage purposes, and form 'humps' for nutritional or water storage. He is also capable of entering a state of hibernation, should the situation call for it. [b]Sensory Array:[/b] Asides from enhanced eye-sight capable of night vision, as well as enhanced hearing, echo-location is a viable method of sensing his surroundings. Similar to a fly and other bugs, Kosnitch is also covered in hairs that detect variations in wind and air flow, which can allow nearby movement to be detected. All his senses are also capable of being suppressed to prevent overloads or resulting trauma. Or if he really wants to sleep and there's lots of noise going on. [b]Acid Jet:[/b] Though it's something that the initiative disapproves of, that hasn't stopped the coalition (really just the Zoolith) sneaking it into their agents. His mouth is capable of secreting an acidic substance that hastens the digestive process. It can also be spat out, typically in combination with a component fluid, to create a stream of highly acidic and high temperature fluid. This is considered a holdout weapon to be used in self-defence, though the Zoolith aren't beyond using agents armed as such for assassination purposes. [h2][b]▼ LIMITS-WEAKNESSES ▼[/b][/h2][hr ][hr ] [i]"Weakness. Another word for challenge, difficulty, problem. There are many words."[/i] Kosnitch's combat skills are mediocre, at best. He can defend himself adequately enough from assailants who'd try take him out behind a back alley, but he cannot compete with professional soldiers. Unless he has some kind of advantage, of course, which he will always try to have. He can use most basic firearms such as rifles, pistols and shotguns, but has little experience with more complex or specialised weaponry, such as explosives. In addition, besides from his acidic spit that he'd prefer not to use, he has little in the way of natural weaponry. So if he's caught without a gun, there will be problems for him. [h2][b]▼ OTHER ▼[/b][/h2] [i]"We have spoken. Other matters are to be attended."[/i] In his own time, he takes interest in matters of history and arts. Both are things Zoolith society has little time for in it's obsession to always be rampantly scrabbling forwards. Or at least, they are always used to demonstrate ones power or provide evidence for why they are in authourity. Working as an agent has allowed him to explore things beyond the narrow scope his peoples harsh social structure enforces. Otherwise, if you need an idea of what kind of society he comes from, think of the Skaven from Warhammer, but less extreme and capitalist. [/center] [/hider] 'Ere he be. Everything should be done, but I'm not in the best state to look over all of it at the time of posting this. In any case, I hope I've made him compatible with everyone elses characters - I've tried to make him a working man sort of guy.