By the time Theron had got back it was, early? Late? What did one actually call the meekest hours of the morning, well before the sun? That time was the time he had finally finished. Golemeth was someone else's problem now, reports were filed, and his payment was processing. Who knew what that meant in this case, something probably equally archaic. Either way, it was success now, and they were likely to reel him back in at some other time after sending someone else to check up on the little tidbits and facts his brief informant had provided. To him it was any other babble, it had nothing to originally do with the missing mark, but now it could well have everything to do with everyone involved and probably just turned a fair bit of profit for Intellitron. After all, more information meant more bids by anyone involved to get further progress. Everyone and their grandmother seemed to be out to get the people this guy knew and the guy himself. Having spent the past half hour fixing up the bit of what was a fairly brutalized combat jacket, Theron's fingers deftly worked at fixing and setting the collar again; the entire thing was a far cry from how it started but at least now it wasn't filthy. He wasn't about to let it go either, one way or another it was getting repaired, a fact he solidified to himself as he looked over the wrist mount display; it had a fair share of errors here and there yet kept its sleek dim glow. Nice, classy, nothing garish, the sort of thing that complimented the tinted shades as he popped them back on to the bridge of his nose. With a closing of the door behind him, securing it, he made his way out one of the rear exits of the corp's tower. Higher level floors? Good luck, guys like him only went there when there were problems. Everyone else was some suit or techie doing who knows what, not the guys rolling in hardware or skirting by in Cylife False Jackets and packing concealed polymer heat. Theron was just happy to not run into anyone or anything else past the back door, other than the supremely obvious security. They exchanged glances but that was it, as anyone wearing a dim cyan trimmed jacket and shades coming from Intellitron at this time wasn't worth the hassle; they would've known if there was an issue, getting through any corp building at peak crime hour was a nightmare for the would-be infiltrator. So by the time he hit the curb, the chimera was home free. The rest of the way was uneventful, getting back to the hole in the wall and sitting down for even a minute to contemplate everything that went by. Theron couldn't help but pull out the lone folding metal chair he owned and take a breather, a pitiful lamp glowing by him in the musty place. The conditions were better than being some vagrant again wandering around and this was all for the sake of added splicing in the future, the real goal, but it didn't make it any better. Either way, stripping off his gloves and setting them on the meager counter, rubbing his face down with one hand, he remarked to himself that he needed the next big hit, the next big thing the following day. He needed to keep that momentum going, rolling nonstop, bringing all those goods; what he needed was another of Davison's boys. It helped he had more an idea of who that was now, more of what they were up to, but what he needed was a dispatch; going cowboy as a not nearly geared solo was... difficult, stupidly difficult, if these guys were rolling with the tech they seemed to be and had their own fan club grasping for any piece of it.