“What are you-“ Sam had no time to finish her sentence as the blue-haired woman, identifying herself as “Guardian”, dragged her along in a hurried sprint. Nor did Sam have time to call out or scream as this stranger yanked her down onto the top of a failing police drone. [i]This is insanity![/i] Sam thought frightfully as the two landed narrowly on the drone. Her stomach leapt as her accomplice drew another weapon and blasted away into the top of the drone. She gritted her teeth to a painful extent and felt her toes curl tightly, fearful of the machine exploding or instantly collapsing and sailing them down to their demise. Fortunately, neither happened. Sam realized she still gripped the gun the woman had originally given her, with both hands still. Sam instinctively left one hand to hold the weapon, her left, and her right to grab and hold tightly onto the midsection of this “Gaurdian”. “This is crazy!” Sam stated sharply as the pair descended far beneath the rooftop edge. Having caught a glimpse of the arriving units, she prayed they hadn’t seen them, and prayed further that they didn’t begin blindly firing on the two. In their exposed position, they would surely die, be it by gunshot or the fall.