[hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Gold]Rhys Asher[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378688333867646976/422255485312565259/df0f62f8c2142e8ad9d0dec68836d9f6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Gold]Location: Home[/color][/center] [hr] He had to smile to himself at Esmeralda's actions. While they could not, for the life of them, stand each other. Apparently it did not apply to the life of their son. A blessing in the long run for the boy he supposed. Though this by no means meant he was going to trust the witch. Trust was something he didn't give anyone, not even Fayard. It was just a weakness he could not and would not afford. The crowds were of little concern to Rhys. He was used to them and to using them. If anything, a constant stream of people heading in one direction would mask his presence. Stopping by one of the many shops that catered the hungry throng, he was able to place an order for a sandwich and receive in record time due to the smiling charm he graced the serving girl with. That apologetic smile of someone who was in a rush, and didn't want to trouble the staff but needed to move. It also helped he tipped her well for the aid as he moved off. Steadily he worked the sandwich down to crumbs as he studied the crowd and moved like a man with an easy air and purpose. As if he belonged, which he did. Rhys was a Wizard after all. Why would he be turned away? The man didn't waver from his target. The Questing Pot. The place where he could begin the power play to save his son and more importantly take the Wizard's Tower for his own. [hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Lavender]Skaoi Silverveil[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://www.tribute.ca/news/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/galadriel1.jpg[/img][/center] [color=Lavender]Location:[/color] Luna's Room[/center] [hr] The fever was hardly worrying as of yet, but Skaoi quickly dampened a small cloth and placed it over Prince Myrus's forehead as he laid upon Princess Luna's bed. It was a positively grand room, though Skaoi had seen plenty like it in her time. Sitting demurely in a chair near-by as to be of use if she was needed, she tucked her hands in her apron. It was easy to shrug the ghosts of those who had passed on off. The mass entourage of royals that seemed to be clustered in this room? Not so much. Keeping her head down and her ears open she stood and began pulling small pouches from the basket upon her arm. There was soothing tea in it perfect for calming down any distraught individual. Which it seemed that her new assistant would need. Skaoi could have told the woman that questioning a Royal was a foolish action at the best of times. Doing in public against a direct order and so blatantly? The pale woman could only wince at the thought of what would await her for such a disregard of propriety. Eastern Snow Plains folk were proper. The nobles even more so. The girl with the niffler had intrigued the physik enough she had graced the small child with a smaller smile. For all the creature was troublesome, it was slightly adorable. Though as Luna mentioned the drowning a small piece of memory clicked for Skaoi. She remembered hearing the tale of an Old Castle Queen attempting to drown her child. Possessive of her throne and wishing no one to have it after her death. Which sounded utterly foolish. A kingdom needed a ruler to be functional. However, the quiet woman kept her tongue still. Not voicing these facts as it was not her conversation. This was Royal Matters and not for the likes of her to intervene. Standing she moved to the nearby baths to fetch hot water. [hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=CadetBlue]Grimspound[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/657d7391a50b11712cac5c306f4a350b/tumblr_ooksq5OF9a1tmko9vo1_540.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=CadetBlue]Location: Port Witch Coven House Upstairs/Malekith's Bedroom[/color][/center] [center][color=CadetBlue]Skills: Perception, Intuition, Sense Magyk, Charisma, Persuasion[/color][/center] [hr] Grimspound smiled at the ghostly woman. She had be lovely in life and she was still lovely in death, the man admitted without shame. Though he did feel a twinge of pity for Nera. To be all alone was a hard thing, even for he. He had grown up in a village where people were tight knit and everyone knew everyone. While he enjoyed the road as a solitary traveler from time to time, it did get lonesome. Pulling the book he had been reading from his jacket and gave Minerva a stern and disapproving look. [color=CadetBlue]"Now that is uncalled for and unkind, my dear."[/color] He winked at Nera with his ever charming grin and friendly demeanor. While he was aware there was most likely- enough of a chance that he'd bet his grandmother's favorite cane upon it- danger about, he was all for being friendly til the time came to strip away civility. What worried him was how badly the woman wanted the stone, and how apparent that was. Desperation often was such a troublesome thing. He himself made it a point to not be put in such a situation. Rather he would put others in that situation and play them along like the Pied Piper in the tales his mother told him when he had been far younger. Resolving to keep a sharp eye on his little companion, he offered the book to the ghostly form of Nera. [color=CadetBlue]"A common title and by far not the best, but I figure the rest of this material must be getting dull. I, myself, cannot bear to see a fellow reader suffer so."[/color] He bowed slightly to the spirit. Such a sad and lonely woman. In such a house and very likely having caused her own death? Who could blame her! Though he got the feeling she was conflicted on something. He smile was firm as he resolved to make the woman quiet unconflicted. [color=CadetBlue]"But my dear friend is quiet correct. Could you please tell us a bit more about yourself and this place?"[/color] Slashing a look to Minerva he quietly prepared to stop her if his warning was not heeded.