Sashia smiled and let Maui and Aura in as well, telling Jen that Elisa had left paw prints around the house already so a few more would not be a bother to her. Once everyone was seated, Sashia stood in front of them and began to tell them what Mike had told her. "So the news is both good and bad, Mike says that he's has 2 location pinned as the base of the pouchers is Aloha. Both are on Poni Island since its the only island with the least civilisation on it, the first area is the Great Poni Canyon and the second is Poni Grove. Mike has also discovered the Items that were stolen from Aether. Something called an Azure Flute and the Items that were used to make Type Null though the pouchers are not smart enough to get it to work which is good for us. Now some bad news, dispite Titanna best efforts, Some of the poucher were able to discover that Kitsune was Veronica and that news has reached her father so in the Best intrest of her safety, Veronica handed herself into the Police, however Mike's been visiting her and he's found out that she been talking to the international police, A guy called Looked and a Lady called Annabella who seems to be the captain. It seems she might not have to go into jail as they are well aware of her actions as Kitsune and they asked her to join the international police"