[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=Olive]Richard Laine[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/l2QZTCcCcXRrCinqE/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=Olive]Electronics Lab - First Sub-basement[/color][/b] Cells[/center] [hr][hr] Richard strode down the steps of the stairs, expertly balancing a plate of apple slices and peanut butter. Perhaps it wasn't really a meal, but a snack could be accepted where a meal would not. Having promised Tony he'd keep an eye on the Stark's resident brat, he was fulfilling it the Adder lied to himself. Though in truth, Richard was worried Guin was over doing things. Not that he would admit it, but he cared for the girl almost as much as Ayita. A thought that made his lips twitch in amusement as he remembered Ayita's outrage when she had admitted her romance with Damon only to have him reveal that he really didn't care as he found Damon worthy of his young sister. All in all, Richard was getting very good at outrunning women and pissing them off in general. Rapping his knuckles loudly on the door to the electronic's lab, he set the plate on the floor outside. A little note attached reading [i]'Mind eating these so they don't go to waste? Ayita hates my cooking, and[/i] this [i]isn't even cooking!'[/i]. It wasn't exactly a lie, Ayita disliked Richard's cooking due to the man's prevalent use of spice. It was more a circle about the truth. Ayita didn't like fruit that was tampered with generally, and skinning and slicing an apple was considered 'tampering'. Turning about he moved to the stairs intent on finding a good book or perhaps dragging some hapless youngster into mischief. [h1][b][i][center][color=ForestGreen]Ayita Dyrkin[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.gifer.com/NXWb.gif[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=ForestGreen]Palor - First Floor[/color][/b] Cells[/center] [hr][hr] Boots clacked through the palor room as Ayita strode to the nearest window. Casting the window open, she sighed and breathed in the crisp fall air. Fall was by far her favorite season now that she was living amongst humans, and had a mate preparing a suitable den- [i]home[/i]- in the North. She hadn't changed all that much over the months, except by being more often seen in her human form. The shifter still hunted from time to time, and used those kills. To let them go to waste was a sin in the eyes of the Alaskan native. If you killed something you used it. The only exception was humans. Bits of feather and beads made of wood, bone and various stones were woven into the dark locks. Underlining the fact she was different from most. Leaning against the window frame, Ayita bit into the apple slice she had snagged from the kitchen. While she preferred a whole apple, Richard had chased her off with the threat of going North himself. Her gaze looking over Dean with a flicker of irritation and annoyance. Not to mention there was a warning in that look, that if he made Allison cry [i]Ayita[/i] would be the one he answered to. The only way that wouldn't happen would be if Allison requested it otherwise. There was Marygold as well, someone Ayita was not to sure of any more. Though it had been a few months, and Damon lived. She had gone North after telling Richard of the engagement, making sure Damon was settled right and not about to cause a mass migration of some beast or other. It had been a good time. Not overly long, but decently fruitful. Rubbing the gold band on her finger with her thumb she considered flying off into the night. Hunting some small rodent as a owl or cat. Yet it didn't appeal right now to what she truly desired. That crash of waves that had echoed in her blood, the echoing cries of the pod of orca that had come near the shore during her visit. Ayita had wanted nothing more than to dive into the waves and join them. Damon's presence had held her from that form, though she had often gone to the shore to test and resist the call of the waves. Rolling her shoulder she scooped the remote from where it had been wedged into a cushion of nearby chair. Flicking a few buttons Ayita flipped on the natural geographic channel, before tossing it gently, lest she break something, at Dean. Though if it broke his head she doubted that would damage anything, Ayita though cynically. Casting her amber eyes over Marygold, she considered the woman Richard dubbed as Poison Ivy. Though when he said it, he was far from joking. Leaning back she considered Dean's situation and if the 'puppy' would have enough spine to change the channel as she studied the creatures with a skeptical eye.