A voice rang out in the darkness, [b]"You idiots! I told you there were three kids in here before we cut the lights. You weren't supposed to attack them. Now, we're out of time. We gotta go!"[/b] On the other side of the room, a door was opened. A flood of light entered the room. After being in complete darkness, the sight was a little disorientating. In the doorway, a man dressed in all black stood, holding the door open for his partners. With one hand, he held a bag of loot over his back. Beside him, on the ground, there was an Octillery, which he promptly retreated back into its Pokeball with his free hand. His two partners, who were hit with string shot, ran for the door, each one carrying a bag on their back as well. Their movement was slightly impaired, but the more they ran, the more the strings began to relax their grip and the faster they could move. A long as the kids didn't immediately give chase, they would be able to escape and lock the door behind them. But if the kids did act fast enough, they could possibly make it before the door shut.