[h2]Lady Liberty[/h2] [@Klomster] [hr] Lady Liberty had barely gotten her sea legs before reports of a Kaiju heading their way came in. Eggman was in a flurry of nerves as everyone began losing their minds again. "We've barely had any time to test Liberty! We're not even sure if half of her systems will work in the water!" Eggman exclaimed to his colleagues even though he knew there was nothing they could do if they the Kaiju showed up. "She's going to need to be ready or else we're not going to be alive long enough to care." Chet explained matter of factly. The employees got quiet after Chets words but were sent back into a flurry of motion as alarms began to go off confirming their fears; one of those things was here. [hr] Lady Liberty stood waiting for the gargantuan creature of the Earth. She had been standing, analyzing the data fed to her by the crew back at Liberty Island. Without enough time to go over everything, Lady Liberty came to the conclusion that heat wouldn't do much to help her out in the fight. The creature was now in view and traveling straight at her with devilish eyes locked right on her. Without much of a choice in the matter, the Statue took off running towards the flying beast with her torch in hand. As the two titans got closer, Lady Liberty spun her torch around and fired the thruster in order to aid her jump into the air, flying over the beast while she attempted to grab the monster's beak with her free hand and reef it's aim away from the city.