[center][h2][color=purple][i]Marco DePaulo[/i][/color][/h2] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/c913e86f157d73be19f8ba477320ba7df2e680d8/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f38743732736163533831713444673d3d2d3437303938333131312e313465353266306264303630636662643731343139373534333736382e676966[/img] Location: Pegasi Stable Mentioned: The Athena Kids, [@Kirah][/center] [color=Purple]"Good. I only pester because I do care about you."[/color] Marco smiled a bit as Greg walked off and then went to put the pegasus back in his pen. He heard the sound and frowned a bit as he heard the 'laughter.' [color=purple]"Oh I hope you're not laughing because you threw my brother off... I'm gonna ask Kiera to talk to you later. Though..."[/color] Marco was sure that the daughter of Poseidon also had a lot on her mind. Thing had seemed a bit different about Kiera since he had arrived back at the camp a few days ago. Of course after Rosie's little prophecy, no one was feeling quite their usual self. As his other siblings arrived back at the stables, Marco looked over at them. [color=purple]"Hey, I want to have a cabin meeting later today. Pass it on. However, I want to talk to either Zoey, Brynn or Ericka or Alannah first. We're going to be be participating tonight."[/color] At the collective groan of his siblings, he rolled his eyes. He heard them grumbling about their looks, their nails, or how boring Capture the flag was. [color=purple]"C'mon guys. We will be participating. The other team has the Hermes cabin and Ares cabin... we need to show them that we're not all surface."[/color] "Alright. Before or after dinner?" Grace asked as she look at Marco. [color=Purple]"Before. Now go get some breakfast before you head off to your activities. I'm gonna go find Em before I give more riding lessons for a bit."[/color]