[center][h1][b]McKenna Fisher[/b][/h1][/center][hr] McKenna continued to look outside, even as she heard Miller speak. But she did take a glance at him, as if she was just trying his motive, or understand his behavior. Curiosity was only getting the better of her, when it came to this man. As mentioned before, why were they even having a casual conversation? It wasn’t her cup of tea these days, and yet, they were having one. It was a question she was mentally trying to answer right now. For some reason, it felt...comforting and easing to actually talk to somebody, more so than isolation. “Same with you”, she finally said, after a few minutes of silence. “Stand down, Venom. After we cross the tunnel, we’ll give you the ‘okay’ to advance”, it was best for them to pursue first, and clean out the tunnel...if anything were to lurk in it. The plan was to have less casualties, and more people surviving. Getting out of the armored-vehicle, McKenna cocked both of her pistols, and kept them sheathed at her waist, while taking hold of her main automatic rifle. It felt strange to stand in front of the darkened tunnel; eerie, on top of it.