[@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Rawk] Thank you both for the feedback, it means a lot. I agree, its an art that seems under valued. Sure, where I came from, our version of a forum was all one interconnected story, with each thread focused on a specific group of people's tales. Like say, a G+ post that's just one big raid battle, rather than dropping in the middle of an ongoing thread, is its own thing. I'd certainly be interested in what you said Harb. My own character, Doctor Rockwoman, is not someone I can readily import, due to the years of development, plus the monster amount of data I have in the wings for her(such as her immense treasury from her adventures, or even the fact she's designed multiple android models in a vein like her grandfather, or other genius's who design such), would likely spook some. Its why the CS I'm posting soon for her is going to be a slimmed down version for ease of reading(as opposed to the google document that is her current G+ profile, as I've yet to begin work on her post G+ version 7.0 profile, yes, I had patchnote style profiles, good times). If folks did say, want to see her treasury, I could make a separate thread devoted to posts that chronicle each piece of her treasury, and the memories of those she honors by having said items. My original approach to rp was much like how the forum is now, at least when I got to G+, back in my original forum days, we had characters we built up over time, but at the same time, switched to a new generation as needed. By the end of my first forum run, I was on the third generation of our tales. We'd battled Eggman in the first and second generations, battled Enerjak of Archie fame alongside Xehanort in the second generation, and made it home to Earth by the advent of the third(after one of our android buddies crashed our space ship into a mountain on purpose), and all around, had fun. Not that I have any issue with how we do things currently in the Threads, just that since each tend to be their own canon, it's not what I'm used to in these days. Expanding Horizons is close to what I'd do with the Rockwoman, but since it seems dead(unless a dedicated group of rpers wants to revive it's interconnectedness), we'd have to do something else. Something I have planned(a variant of what I submitted to All-Verse in fact), could be used by folks who want to bring their characters together, since I do see some threads that do massive-crossovers. It's just a matter of dedication. Those like myself may be a dying breed, as even where I came from, folks could never remain active, they'd make alts like candy on G+, make hundreds of various CCs, and never stick around, make OCs, and vanish within a day. It was sad, since I'd written the world lore of the G+ comm I focused my efforts in until plot drove me to a friend's community, where I've been since(being comatose and getting transported along with another landmass to another universe by a creator deity to avoid the final boss of Fate Grand Order destroying the entire world makes for interesting adventures, as does being unable to return home when the universal barriers harden and prevent cross-universal travel). Am I rambling? Perhaps, If so, I do apologize a tad. Folks I know in a few places do love it when I ramble about the stuff I've written, not out of boasting, but just, guess they like to hear the months, nay, years of effort put in. From combing through game lore, to carefully trying to justify a given power, and then built upon foundations. To an entire google document devoted to each person met after a character was metaphorically refreshed and given a second chance at life, to just hours spent compiling the treasury's links, to eventually flesh out with more data. To even notes on the races that inhabit the world. Whoops, rambled again. As a published writer, and as a long time rper, I like to discuss the written word too much for my own good. Or typed, in this case, I suppose. I should start importing the species list of the Rock Imperium here at some point, but still waiting for G+ to archive all my stream data, I think, so I can share my work with the world. tl;dr: I wanna do interconnected tales beyond what massive year spanning threads do, but also don't know how to do so here, or how to fit in, perhaps? I dunno if this is a good sum up, lol.