[color=orchid][center][h1]Sophia Danvers[/h1] [h3]Mesalon Pokecentre[/h3][/center][/color] [@Zanavy] [@fer1323] The moment Sophia hit the floor, Clarus floated down so she could grip on and pull herself into a sitting position. Squinting into the harsh lights, she huffed at the boy's fussing. [color=orchid]"Look... Whether I did or not, I'm fine now,"[/color] she insisted, trying to stand, sagging back to the ground. Well this was nothing short of mortifying. Not only had she failed to impress this person with her psychic display, she'd pushed herself much too far, AGAIN. No way was she going to make this first impression even worse and admit she'd done the same thing the previous day. Matters looked likely to get worse anyway as Oscar approached her, but thankfully, his response wasn't as overbearing as she'd expected. [color=orchid]"Yeah... The issue here is we haven't been able to catch a freaking break since we set out,"[/color] she explained to the new guy. [color=orchid]"Maybe calling it a day isn't such a bad idea, but I have to wait here a while. Lacey, my Gothita, she's out helping someone."[/color] It seemed not even Oscar's reassurance was enough, as the punkish guy let out a Pokemon. A round, plushie-like one with friendly red eyes - an Igglybuff. Although the last things Sophia wanted were pity and coddling, some of her frustration melted away as the little Pokemon tottered over and rested a hand on her head. Warmth spread over her like a blanket, the throbbing of a two day old bruise lessening. Sophia propped herself up, finding that some of the fatigue had eased with it. Even the exhaustion headache had subsided a little. She ran her fingers just above one of her ponytails, feeling no bump on her scalp. As she sat up, limbs still trembling but less drained, a grin from the Igglybuff greeted her, followed by a short yet soothing tune. The notes brought back memories, recent ones of the Clefairy video, and earlier ones. ... [color=darkviolet]"Come on. Focus,"[/color] a voice, velvet soft yet cold, hissed. Sophia tried, but her taut nerves threw off her senses. She raised her head, nodding and stumbling onwards. She couldn't see her mother through the blindfold, but she could feel that overwhelming presence masking the one she tried to find. Chimecho was somewhere in this room, and she should be more than capable of picking up on his aura. At almost eleven years of age, she should be further along in her training by now. She hurried towards where she thought the Pokemon was, only to yelp as her leg struck the corner of a cabinet. Flailing, she kept her balance, but winced at the pain and her mother's tone. [color=darkviolet]"What do I keep telling you? You wouldn't do that if you'd get your head out of the clouds and find him."[/color] Her mom never shouted, but in a way, that calm voice was worse. [color=darkviolet]"And sweetie, what's with that look on your face? That's hardly the look of a self-controlled young psychic."[/color] Through the stinging, Sophia forced her expression into a stoic mask. [color=orchid]"I'm sorry,"[/color] she muttered. [color=orchid]"I'll... I'll give it another try."[/color] [color=darkviolet]"Remember what I've taught you this time,"[/color] came the firm reply. [color=darkviolet]"And Chimecho, do please hold off on healing her until she reaches you. I know you want to help her. I do too, that's the point of this. It's just that sometimes, the hard way is the best way to learn."[/color] It was after a training session fraught with tension that Sophia removed the blindfold and saw the wound. The cut closed up from the wind chime Pokemon's Heal Pulse, but the mottled red and purple bruise remained. As she skulked to her room and pressed a wrapped ice pack to her leg, the Chimecho drifted in, patting her shoulder with an apologetic look and humming a gentle tune. [color=orchid]"I'm ok. This is nothing,"[/color] Sophia whispered. [color=orchid]"But... Thanks. And I don't blame you. I've just gotta make sure it doesn't happen again."[/color] Despite the tough act, the song was welcome, more welcome than it should have been as she let herself relax. ... [color=orchid]"Nice little song there,"[/color] Sophia told the Igglybuff, returning the slightest of smiles. [color=orchid]"Just wondering..."[/color] She glanced up at Ty. [color=orchid]"I know this is your Pokemon and all, but..."[/color] Pausing, she turned back to the Fairy type. [color=orchid]"Would another song be ok? Uhh, just curious about what an Igglybuff's singing sounds like."[/color] This guy had better buy into the excuse, she thought. She shouldn't need this. She shouldn't be such a big baby as to want a damn LULLABY. Yet as reluctant as she was to acknowledge it, the more comfort from Pokemon, the better. [hider=Notes] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] Gothita "Lacey" lv14, Purrloin "Grimalkin" lv13, Staryu "Arcturus" lv13, Darumaka "Lumas" lv11, Shuppet "Fantoccino" lv11, Bronzor "Clarus" lv11 [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] Pokeball x1, TM33 (Reflect), Oran Berry x3[/hider]