My CS, Edward the Great Magus of Indeterminate Location. [hider=Magus] Name : Magus (Edward White) Age : 21 Species : Magic-Touched Human Sex : Male Appearance : Outwardly normal, Edward is 6ft tall and has an unimposing, slender build. However, certain physical traits betray his facade. His natural hair color has become white, however he dyes his hair black in order to better blend into crowds. His natural eye color is pale blue, however they occasionally flash dark blue or purple in times of stress or whenever he invokes his magic. While in public, he tends to dress casually, wearing a t-shirt and jeans. He will also wear a jacket whenever appropriate, even though he has not felt cold in a significant amount time. He almost wears gloves, as on his right hand is the arcane rune for Magus. Even whenever he is unconcerned about hiding his identity, he will typical wear casual clothing. However, he will shed his jacket and will often wear some type of robe over his clothing. His favorite robe is his large, blue, silk robe. Personality : Magus can appear cold, calculating and uncaring at first glance, however this is not entirely accurate. Edward is very selfish, and can be apathetic to the woes of others. However, he is not malicious, and will typically avoid doing harm to someone else unless they have wronged him. Few things will cause him to hold a grudge for a long period of time, however he is unafraid of brutal reprisals for significant slights against him. However revenge can always be satisfying. Magus primarily seeks to feed his insatiable curiosity, and is generally happy avoiding conflict with the various major supernatural factions of the world. However he does so out of convenience, rather than fear or respect. He tends to avoid conflict as he normally finds it a bother, however sometimes it can interest him as can appreciate a battle of wits. He does not seek out conflict, however if finds himself in an interesting situation, he can find himself indulging himself by partaking in what he would consider a distraction. Despite being both born and raised as a human, he finds it hard to care about humans. A part of him appreciates humanity as a concept, and he may be bothered to defend the amorphous concept of humanity, or a city, or a nation. However he finds it really difficult to sympathize with the blights of individual humans unless they have something to personally interest him in. He has a view of the human species as a conservationist may view any other species of animals. They wish to avoid the extinction of the species, and may be offended by a particularly cruel treatment of a singe animal, however if a sustainable amount are killed in the pursuit of a specific purpose, than that can be acceptable. [hider=History] History : Edward's parents were normal humans. However, his mother was very sickly and the doctors stated if she was to give birth, she and her son would die. As a result, his parents turn to various forms of quackery in order to attempt to save their child. In their pursuit, they managed to find real magic. An arcanist interposed himself as they were attempting to buy a supposed potion of eternal life. The magician offered his services as a means of testing a spell, he was neither altruistic nor malicious. Like many practitioners of the arcane, he acted out of curiosity. The spell allowed Edward to be born, however such powerful magic has a powerful cost. As soon as Edward was born, his father died. His mother was grief-stricken, and died from the harmful effects of the fake medicine she had consumed soon after Edward's birth. From before his birth, Edward was magic-touched, and this instilled a deep thirst for magic within him. As arcane magic is the magic of knowledge and mystery, he was only satisfy this unquenchable thirst for a short time through learning and mental exercises. However, Edward never saw this as a curse. This inherent drive to learn caused him to become very intelligent and well-read, however it had also stunted his emotional and social development. In addition, his high intelligence and connection to the arcane caused him to be immune to most mind-altering effects. Whenever he was eightteen, he was reading the newspaper in order to help handle his thirst whenever he felt something from the page itself. A small thread of magic was lurking within the ad section. A tiny bit of mesmeric magic overlaid an ad about a job position. This caused him to grow curious. The supposed recruitment center was located in a sparsely populated section of a nearby town, however he observed them from a bus stop in order to see what they were doing. They were so arrogant, and believed their flimsy enchantments would keep them invisible. However they could not deceive Edward's eyes. He saw that they were recruiting humans as mindless slaves in order to produce magical items. At first, he was unsure of how to proceed, and then he had an insane idea, however it was irresistible. He pretended to become one of their mindless slaves, which was rather easy for the inexpressive teenager. As their servitor, he was forced to work on various magical rites and transfer various tomes across the facility. It was very easy for him to read in secret, and knowledge of arcane easily satisfied his thirst for a time. However, after sixteen months, his thirst had only grown. Knowledge could no longer satiate him alone, and he required magic. There was some safeguards against sabotage, however they were laughably easy to avoid. They merely checked how total magic was expended for each operation. As the servitor they used were mindless, it was very easy for him to optimize the ritual and then calculate how much magic it would be safe for him to drain as to make it appear normal. He had learned that this was a small Olympian base far away from HQ, which had very little man-power or funding. There may have been members of the workshop which was suspicious of him, however he caused them no trouble and was a productive worker. Edward had calculated many different ways in order to make his tampering invisible, and after fourteen months, he no longer need to feed off magic, as he was naturally generating his own supply. By this time, he had become a proper arcanist, and merely remained in order to finish reading their tomes and prefect his craft of enchanting objects. However he was betrayed by the one system in which he failed to consider, the profit margin. He had generated a suspicious amount of money for the organization, which had helped him avoid scrutiny from the men stationed there. However, after around two years, a member of the main branch wanted a more careful examination of the facility after unrelated effects caused a greater concern for security in all member branches. Edward prepared for this event, however he did not flee even though he could have. However, there was still work to be done here, and he had some appreciate from this workshop even if they attempted to exploit him. He was standing with an enchantment whenever he encountered the inspector, and made no attempt to hide the fact he retained his will. They managed to a short conversation, in which Edward attempted to convince him that opposing him would be a terrible idea. However the inspector was firm on the idea that he was nothing more than a pathetic man who need to killed for daring to walk among gods, and attempted to attack Edward. It was a terrible idea. In that moment, Edward proceed forward with his ritual, drawing nearly all of the magic from the giant magic storage tank used to power the various rituals. This created a storm of arcane energies which disrupting all other magic within the area and caused various disruptions. Edward smirked as the inspector was ripped apart by arcane energies for being so close to the epicenter of the storm. However, Edward was unharmed. He has harnessed the destructive might of the storm in order to cast a powerful enchantment, binding himself to an arcane grimoire where had keep his notes, granting him increased magical prowess and an improved ability to hide his magical nature. Where he stood, the arcane symbol for Magus was burnt into the ground. The same symbol that marks his hand, and his arcane tome. But while his body and his book are magically connected, that scoured symbol on the ground is merely a by-product that is disconnected from him. He managed to easily leave the workshop in the utter chaos of the servitors waking up from their brainwashing, and all of the Olympians magics being useless within the storm. He knew that he would be forced to leave, not because of the washout Olympians who were no longer a serious threat to him, but because he had just drawn blood and soon the sharks will be circling the area. He smirked at the idea. He had spent the intervening time laying low and expanding the amount of information stored within his tome. [/hider] [hider=Powers] Other : Magus is very powerful, and is a capable spellcaster as well as a proficient enchanter. His magical tome enhances both his spell casting ability and his enchanting ability. In addition, it hides his and its own magical nature from most scans. The tome is also enchanted as to contain more information than otherwise feasible, and while it is not capable of infinite storage, it is able to store comparable amounts of information to a high-end digital data bank. If a person attempts to read the book with Magus' approval, the words will simply not appear on the pages and it will require a high-skilled magician in order to bypass this security. Magus is a normal human, as such as no inherent protection against death. However, his book constantly generates a magical, permeable, temperature-control barrier around himself to protect himself from danger. This can protect from physical attacks, magical attacks, heat, cold, poison gas, and lightning. While maintaining this barrier does not require a significant amount of energy, the barrier does consume energy whenever it is required to counteract an attack, based on the energy placed into the attack. For example, it consumes an insignificant amount of energy to filter out toxic gas particles or prevent someone from poking him with a pencil, but consumes more energy in order to deflect a giant fireball in order to stop both the impact and the heat. He is able to create this barrier by himself, however without the book, he must be awake in order to maintain it. This barrier also encompasses his clothing. His other abilities are : creating and shooting bolts of magic that he can guide while they are in flight, levitating himself or light objects, moving himself at a moderate speed while levitating, moving small objects within a set sphere around himself at moderate speed, create a small, invisible sphere within a set sphere around himself that he can use to process visual, auditory, and/or smell information, and finally he can attempt to disrupt the flow of magic to a spell or enchantment in a process known as counterspelling or temporary disenchantment. If he tries to counterspell the work of a novice, the spell will likely completely fizzle. However against a strong spell, it is likely to only weaken the spell instead of making inoperable. The same principle applies to temporary disenchantment. This is addition to be completing magical ritual, such as enchanting rituals. The listed spells are the ones that he can preform without any special preparations. [/hider][/hider]