[quote=@Liv] [@Foster], I apparently mishear a lot of lyrics, all day everyday.[/quote] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP2Kgabnaeo]I'll be your cannon-ball![/url] Ummm, apparently back in the day I managed a 96 hour day on something between 60 and 90 mg of methamphenidate [IIRC it was a marathon-grind for Diablo (1) to recover a character's corpse from a mob in hell... naked, there is at least some satisfaction in fist-punching your way through a bunch of blood-knights...]. With parential supervision, ofc. [i]Then it was back off to school I went.[/i] I then cut that stuff cold-turkey and pretty much proved that most of the worst symptoms I was showing for autism was just being over-prescribed stimulants without enough food or rest while being assigned repetitive tasks. [i]Plus coffee was cheaper[/i], even if you drink three and a half pots a day. It pretty much prevents you from feeling fatigue, so you just burn yourself out before the pep pills do... then you end up in that twitchy highly suggestable mess state that just stopped caring. That, coupled with a built-up pain tolerance resaulted in [url=https://youtu.be/TxBLyiDF13c?t=180]some pretty intersting after-school scuffles[/url].