Zachaeus slowed his run to a walk as he approached the scene of the devastation. Having heard the sound of bells tolling throughout the city earlier, he knew that a large contingent of guards would be rushing towards the area just like him in order to help contain the threat. His deduction was confirmed by the silhouettes of guards in the acrid smoke ahead of him as he drew closer to the gore and blood soaked scene. Several of the guards turned and bowed slightly as he walked closer, before moving off to either side of him so he could get through. Once he was on the other side of the long wall of steel death his soldier's had formed around the area, he saw his son Edward, a ruined carriage, and lots of corpses. And standing in the midst of it all was a lone man clad in leather attire with his hands raised aboved his head in a gesture of surrender who was surrounded by various weapons, including stakes, that made the man's profession as a vampire hunter clear to Zachaeus. Once he was finished examining the scene, he turned to his son and asked... [color=crimson]"What happened?"[/color]