[quote=Kurisa] Kurisa continued to walk down the halls then eventually they arrived outside of the barracks in the outdoor training grounds, Kurisa took his position in the center of the grounds then turned and spoke as Taiki arrived "So you believe you have what it takes to get into this Squad?...well...rather than answer that question how about you show me?" Kurisa crossed his arms and closed his eyes as he waited for Taiki to make a move "lets see how well you have been trained..." [/quote] [quote=Star Platinum] Yoshimitsu, appearing from nowhere, ran toward the captain and the battle-ready hopeful who accompanied him. "Waitwaitwaitwaitwait!" he stammered as he stumbled before them. "Before you start anything, I'm looking for some training too! I hear my Zanpakuto every so often, but I can't communicate back, and I feel like I need that little extra push to reveal its true power to me!" he chattered at a machine gun rate. "I promise not to hurt you, honest, I probably couldn't even if I tried anyway, not against the honorable Captain Kuchiki!" Kurono continued to ramble. "I... OH SHIT" he screamed. "What I meant to say was 'Captain Kuchiki, sir, may I humbly request inclusion in this training exercise, your excellency,' or something like that!" His legs were shaking at this point, in fear that it was already too late and that he would be punished for his lack of courtesy and respect for his superior. [/quote] Taiki watched the captain take position at the center of the training grounds. "I had a feeling I wouldn't be getting off that easily. Fine, I'll take your test..." Ignoring the pain in his shoulder, Taiki prepared himself. He turned his good shoulder towards the captain and brought a loose fist in front of him, leaving the other hand open and at his side. [i]Here we go, the last barrier. As long as I don't underestimate him I'll be fine...[/i] Suddenly an unexpected guest arrived and started rambling with no end in sight. Taiki didn't drop his stance and kept his eyes on Captain Kuchiki. "Get out of the way or get a hole through you...and I don't me by me." Taiki said calmly to the interruption. Forgetting about the guest, Taiki shunpoed, reappearing at Kurisa's left side. He appeared off the ground due to his height disadvantage, sweeping his leg in a fierce kick aimed at tba captains head.