[center][img=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/504660-bigthumbnail.jpg][/center] Something inspired by this wonderful anime that is Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. Sometimes, there are oddities in both heaven and hell, being Angels of Lust or Gluttony as well as Demons of Order and Law. This of course will simply not do and the masters of their original realm seek to get rid of the nonconformists trying to put chaos in order, order in chaos, sin in virtue and virtue in sin. Fortunately for those cast out of the divine realms, redemption is possible as God is merciful and Satan is greedy. Coins, referred to as heaven or hell coin depending on which side of good and evil refer to it, can be gained, 1,000,001 of them being needed to repent and go back to heaven or hell. These coins can be gained in multiple ways: -For demons destroying particularly good individuals or entities called 'Spirits'. -For angels destroying particularly bad individuals or entities called 'Ghosts'. -Both angel and demons can convince individuals or spirits to change their ways by redemption or corruption but while this method rewards with more coins, it is considered time much more time consuming and difficult than finding wicked or good individuals and then straight out kill them. -Bargain with angels or demons to get their coins in exchange for services. -Beat up other angels or demons to steal their coins. Some Lore: [hider=The Life in Heaven] On top of everything, there is god, he who created earth, the universe and dinosaurs to then destroy this creation and making man as a more interesting replacement. To reward those being cool enough bros, he created heaven and to take care of business while he's having fun watching his other creations around the universe and stuff. The ANGELS are separated in 3 kind. -Above all, the ARCHANGELS, created by god himself, these hold terrible powers and are well known by those under them to be possibly some of the most boring and, despite existing as beings of virtue and thus of humility, annoyingly powerful-beyond-comprehension in comparison to other angels. They are granted the power by god himself to cast out angels from the heaven and for being sent down to earth, you have probably annoyed one of these guys as gods didn't bother casting down people ever since Satan and his pal Lucifer have begun acting like dicks. And boy have they been cast down, so low they actually pierced the floor of the mortal world and ended in what is today known as hell. -Then, there are the ANGELS, some of them being people of extreme good that did more than enter the heavens at their death, but most of them being their children since yes, it's allowed to have sex in heaven and the blessing of family is not one denied to those up above. This is of course where things become complicated as sons and daughters of angels didn't have to prove themselves to be good on the mortal realm and while those who gain angelhood through their actions are unquestionably good (Else they wouldn't be here, duh), these are just other creations of God and as God gave them free will... well... Mistakes can be done. -And bellow them there are the BLESSED ONES, not good enough to be angels but still good in nature. Without power or worries, they live the blessed life of the heavens as a reward for their mortal actions. All these guys live in HEAVEN. Old heaven is now almost completely depopulated and has the form of a grand monastery that had a bastard child with a Cathedral and while it is grand indeed, it is almost as boring as an Archangel and most people believe in actually enjoying the heavens after spending a life restraining to commit sin and so, they live in New Heaven. New heaven is somewhat like an Italian beach resort with its shows and restaurants. God is a lot more permissive here as after all, Heaven is made to be a reward and not an extension of a life of chastity, humility and other frankly boring stuff. Although, as people in heavens have proven themselves to be good natured, there rarely is any problem, no fights, everyone being nice and well mannered, it's a nice place full of nice people... Well, then again there are the exception, the rebellious youth if you will. [/hider] [hider=The Life in Hell] Satan is king here since him and his bros were surprised by God as they manipulated the hearts and minds of mortals for fun, making them believe they could build a tower so high they could reach the heavens. God found it wasn't cool to lie to mortals like that and got mad. To be fair, Satan did pretty well for himself after that. The DEMONS are separated in 3 kinds. -Of course, ARCHDEMONS rule this thing, being old archangels that decided to have fun for a change. Some demons claim this title but the real deal is something even the most powerful demons fear the sight of because where the demons torture the damned, the archdemons torture the demons in horrible and sick games of manipulation and deceit causing enormous psychological distress to their victims. The thing is, these games almost always rely on demons being demons, meaning: Selfish, greedy, lazy and chaotic by nature. More often than not when they encounter an anomaly that breaks their game by acting like anything decent, it frustrates them and they banish him to the human realm, demanding a copious amount of coins if they ever want to return. -Right under, the DEMONS, the vile and the terrible, mass murderers and sadists belong here and they have their fun torturing those bellow them and making their own kind lick their boots, hell being a complicated hierarchy of power and association followed by betrayal and dissociation, after all, the strong rule, the weak get trampled on. Hellish society being extremely selfish and divided, pure lust is often what results in demonic children, these child will be risen by one demon or another but nearly always not out of love, but out of the idea that these hellborn demons will be great pawn and servants to be used. From a young age, these discover the harsh life of hell, everything being lie and deception to gain power. -The unlucky people down in the muck of hellish society are the DAMNED, those not good enough to be in heaven, but not bad enough to be a full demon. Where angels, demons and blessed ones can get anything they desire just by wishing for it, the damned are condemned to starve without dying, to work and be the playthings of demons in exchange for the hope of a little comfort which will be more than often denied. Lacking all power in front of demons, they are condemned to forever be pariah and scavengers. HELL is thus filled with these individuals. Old Hell is akin to a roman city of palace and coliseum, demons fighting one another for the pleasure of others, damned souls being butchered and humiliated for the good pleasure of those watching, an Archdemon or another serving as an Imperator and while everyone in hell is immortal, deciding if the fights will end as it is, or if the loser will suffer the pain of being decapitated or whatnot. New Hell is a place of much more corporal sin and pleasure, seeming like a huge nightclub, the damned and some demons that have fallen on hard times serving others while all plot against one another to gain power or fight off boredom. [/hider] [hider=The Life on Earth] Fault line between heaven and hell, the city of Daten on the west coast of the US thus sees a heavy amount of paranormal activity so much people are either rarely even surprised anymore or deny such things as simply 'Weird natural happenings' or 'Yet another movie being shot' as to justify everything going on. Some however, know better. A red light district next to a church, the HQ of a large charity right next to that of a multinational corporation making money out of slavery in Asia, all people of all horizon live in this place. The angel/demon population is quite low and in general, mostly even. A surprising fact considering how hell is hundreds of times more populous than heaven but not all that surprising when you consider that you generally have to make a conscious effort to be virtuous and sin is just something that happens when you let yourself loose.[/hider] [hider=Ghosts and Spirits] The lurking souls of those that have something keeping them back on earth, for ghost it generally traduces itself by hate and resentment while for spirits the need to do something before they leave the earthly realm or protect a loved one from impending doom. In the case of GHOSTS, they are generally destructive entities and their power vary from one to another and the hate they feel. Although the matter of hate they experience may seem trivial such as the soul of a sewer worker that died drowning in human feces, it is important to understand that for them, it's all their life. Well, that's only if you want to try and reform them of course, if you only try to destroy them it is very trivial indeed. Ghosts generally hold dominion to what cause them to remain on earth. SPIRITS on the other hand are, at many angel's frustration, not all that powerful but that is unless, it is in the context of why they are still on earth. To protect a human, a place or to accomplish a certain task. To demons this however does not always traduce itself as easy work since spirits will tend to flee, making catching them as much of a bother as for angels to kill ghosts. Demons can twist their purpose or trick them into failing their mission for extra coins but since that generally implies catching them and not killing them to convince or deceive them, it's generally much shorter to just kill them outright. [/hider] [hider=Major Good Characters] [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/265/b/d/bdaf51c1ef72f24f20ead06004e9caf6-d4ak87a.jpg]-Max Beardman:[/url] Owner of a small soup kitchen to help the poor in the slum of the city between a liquor and gun store, he is a chain smoker and a terribly bad cook. Somehow, that's about it. There is nothing divine about him and his relation with god seems to be one of anger and resentment but somehow, angels look up to him for jobs that can earn Heaven Coins. This is generally in two part, first do something annoyingly time consuming and boring to help him like taking over the kitchen or do the dishes and then, he'll inform you about where to find a nest of ghosts that will almost kill you or a benevolent spirit that will serve as a honeypot to shake down demons for their coins. Angels that have been on earth for some times will notice that he's been around for a very, very long time. [url=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/296/5/4/grandma_by_deetta-d4dqjut.jpg]-Old Lady Rose:[/url] A nice lady in a cottage in the suburb, her home is somehow where all exiled angels end up and she is often the first to explain how things work in the human world. Although she's nice and good natured her patience as limits and if an angel takes too long to adapt to the human world, he may get an annoyed look followed by a comment such as 'Getting real tired of your shit son.'. The part angels sometimes struggle the most is often her explaining they need to remove an item of clothing to get a weapon to shot at stuff, which is often done by removing one item of clothing after the other until they find the right one. [/hider] [hider=Major Evil Characters] [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/122/7/9/The_Modern_Demon_by_AnamariaElf.png]-Charles:[/url] Secretary of the CEO of the Direct Evolution of Metropolitan Organization and Negotiations Corporation (DEMON Corp for short), a company specializing in land acquisition and real estate, he is the first to see to new demons as they spawn in the lobby he occupies, 12 floors under the main building. The best way to describe him is as a scumbag who will extortion new arrival of any hell coin they might have had on them and then always propose ridiculous combines that will always lead demons to lose anything they invest. Still, he is the one delivering any request from The CEO and will give the newly arrived a cell phone to contact them in case an opportunity arises. They will generally offer no other help except if he is paid or menaced of intense pain as it seems he does not possess any demonic weaponry to defend himself with and that his boss doesn't really care of Charles's faith. [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/335/a/f/pactmaker_guerrino_by_sandara-d6wf9qc.jpg]-Exomis the Corruptor: [/url] Also 'Exomis, destroyer of good pair of pants' due to a lot of demons and angels shitting themselves when they see him, he is the CEO of DEMON Corp and a god damn archdemon. He goes around with his hellish regalia without any of his human employees worrying about this, taking it as a fashion statement. The plaque in front of his desk says he is a doctor in law specializing in Notary work, contracts and so forth. He sometimes summon particular demons, even angels, proposing tasks for astronomical amount of coins. And although these may seem mondane he always deliver, although with Charles taking notes on these calls, people receiving payment are often ambushed on their exit of DEMON Corp by other demons wishing for a slice of the money. No one really knows why the hell he's here, how he was sent and how he could possibly not have gathered the million coins needed to go back to hell (although considering how he distributes his wealth it is guessed he probably already have this money). [/hider] CS and Extra Info [hider=Angel and Demon] Note if you read the bits of lore that I steer you in the direction of angels or demons that have never existed as mortals. Indeed, mortals that have become one or another have proven themselves to be either completely good or bad through a lifetime of choices. Those born in heaven or hell while still having free choice, did not have the opportunity to prove themselves good or bad and while nurture generally makes them grow like their parents, rebellion or simply that it's against their nature will lead some astray, this is you. [center]Lust and Chastity Gluttony and Temperance Greed and Charity Sloth and Diligence Wrath and Patience Envy and Kindness Pride and Humility[/center] Those are the 7 deadly sins and heavenly virtues. Keep in mind that angels are generally mostly good and demons mostly bad and even for those exiled to earth, it is rare to have more than 2 or 3 of those not in alignment with their godly nature, all 7 of them being unheard of. A demon that is Chaste and Diligent would for example take the form of a hard working business-like demon that hardly think's about anything but its achievement, a prideful and wrathful angel would claim high and strong how mighty it is compared to all mortals and demons while not hesitating to strike down any who would say otherwise. Name: Appearance: Time on Earth: (Obviously a measure of how used to you are to Daten City) Heaven/Hell Coins: (Measure of what you have gathered now. No hurry really, since OOC once you go back to heaven it pretty much means you're out of the game. Still, always useful to buy stuff like over powered heavenly or demonic cars and items to have delivered.) Virtues and Sin: (Select between each two) -Lust or Chastity? -Gluttony or Temperance? -Greed or Charity? -Sloth or Diligence? -Wrath or Patience? -Envy or Kindness? -Pride or Humility? Weapon: (Each angel and demon as a weapon hidden as a piece of clothing or an item on their person. The size of the weapon or weapons if dual wielded is dependent on the size of the item. A sock would be a pistol or knife, a stocking a katana and a pair of pants a machinegun. Yes, this imply that during the fight you will have to remove said item and fight without it, as it will take the form of your weapon. Take note that even if they've never used it before, all angels and demons are proficient with their heavenly or demonic weapons AND, both demonic and angelic weaponry are only as effective as to how far on the spectrum of good and evil your enemy is. A demonic weapon can kill an angel but for a neutral or evil entity, it will just hurt like hell. Considering the angels and demons sent to earth and neither completely good nor bad, this keeps death to a minimum.) Transformation move: (Optional but as representatives of higher powers on earth, most angels and demons have a [url=http://youtu.be/msWbNfEOFlk?t=40s]transformation move[/url] or [url=http://youtu.be/QowR85Vrm7I]another[/url]. Basically, if we were an anime, this is where the animation budget goes.) Heavenly/Demonic Items: (Near Indestructible cars that can climb on walls? A potion that somehow revirginizes people? A ticket to have the thumb of an archangel crush an enemy or a zombie-plague-in-a-bottle? These can be acquired ingame for fun and profit but you may suggest 1 or 2 godly items in your possession and I may even accept them.) Special powers and drawbacks: (Lineage and/or expertise and skills. This can be for a demon the ability to pass the walls a spirit as recently gone through at the cost of the spirit knowing it is hunted or the ability of an angel to make spirits go berserk and actually fight back for a chance at the cost of them becoming uncontrollable. It's all about balance and I will be judging if said balance is met.) Bio: (Main point is obviously what you did to piss off an archangel or an archdemon to get sent to earth.) Other: [/hider] [hider=Humans] Yes, humans are still around and sometimes, one decides to join up or fight the power. Let's be honest, both angels and demons tend to create devastation where they go to hunt ghosts or spirits and this create collateral damages. While demons obviously tend to have very little consideration for others, angels born of the heavens tend to think of the death of your loved ones when a building they are semi-responsible of destroying crashes on them as just sending them to heaven or hell a few short years faster. Name: Appearance: Age: Alignment: (Good, neutral good, neutral, neutral evil, neutral. A small scale indeed and most humans tend not to go pure evil or pure good, but then again the 'small scale of human thought', the fact that being a bully in high school only moves you slightly in the scale of karma if you will, is in this divine battle a human's greatest advantage. Indeed a neutral human will suffer equally from heavenly or hellish weapons and will not suffer death from them.) Weapon(s): (Human weapons can't kill angels or demons, but still the stopping power remains. High caliber handguns will feel for a demon like a good punch, a shotgun blast a baseball bat hit and so forth. As this is America, ever farmer has machineguns and guns are cheap and readily available for anyone willing to get one.) Special powers: (A human can know holy rituals and be able to throw holy water at a demon's face (which is painful as hell) or rather being able to summon and imprison the nearest angel. As a rule, human rituals can hardly do more than contain or cause pain to godly entities and as such be careful that the one you use these spells on don't turn against you. I'll be judging of course of if these powers are acceptable. Remember that the point is to further the plot and have fun, not to win.) Bio: Other: [/hider]