[Center][h1][color=gold]Current Events[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=The Oblivion Crisis] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3f/01/54/3f015406481917bbc18da72c2c508c42.jpg[/img][/center] Barely half a solar year ago, the most terrible demon that has ever entered Elysia... Oblivion... A whirling mass of darkness. Of nothing, deeper than the void. A hungering cloud that slowly eats worlds down to the Essence of their rocks, and leaves them as lifeless husks only filled with the screaming souls of the lives stolen. Angry, dead, unnatural things spring out from its mass, seeking more to drag into the ever ravenous mass. It is only Demons that will have the empires of Elysia forget their differences and join together in the defense of their homes. Even the Star Gods gather with their pantheons, ready to defend themselves against the only things that threaten their immortality. The combined mortal armadas formed The Celestial Fleet and with the deities of their planets and peoples, gathered in defense of the Kalfka System and its Twelve Billion Souls. It failed. Three Star Gods, a million ships, and an entire civilization of one of the oldest races; wiped out against an endless tide of undeath and other horrors that lurked in Elysia, waiting for their time to strike. Oblivion feasted, the Sector was lost, and each empire weakened to the point of fear and paranoia. Faith and trust fractured, the alliances dissolved, and the Empires returned to defend their space, hoping against hope that their end will come later rather than sooner. All seemed lost. And then another Star God, Karis'Anya, The Spear that Sparked the Dawn finally revealed herself, an immense dragon made of starlight. Her purview of Justice, Light, Protection, and Righteous Battles; she claimed the system next on Oblivion's Path, bringing with her the remaining mortal might of a dozen races. Her priests spoke that she had a way to fight the darkness, and she beseeched her brethren to join her in a final push, but even they the gods above gods turned away, afraid to meet the same fate as their brave siblings. The other empires were called to join in the cause, but like their divine masters, none can see the point of this. If the greatest armada in all of Elysia, even the gods themselves couldn't stop Oblivion, what hope is there for one and her rag tag defenders? Outside of the conflict, with the major empires fleet's having been diminished and word spread of the coming darkness, Elysia itself is at the point of panic. Planets close to the fight are evacuating, trade routes lie undefended, military outposts smolder in ruin. The Empires cannot defend all of their territories. Pirates and criminals had swelled in arrogance and audacity. Demons have appeared across the expanse, making every world a possible target. Its a time of fear, chaos, and fights for survival. [/hider]