[color=c4df9b]"Vampires."[/color] Aliana replied calmly when asked what she has fought before. She then turned to the woman who quite clearly looked exotic along these parts. She gave them a name, so the half vampire nodded[color=c4df9b]." Name's Aliana, pleasure to meet ya."[/color] She replied and turned her attention outwards to the surroundings as the carriage soon enough came to a halt and she exited, taking in the decaying town or whatever was left from the town anyway. This was quite literally a horrible location to live... She was amazed people still stayed behind at this graveyard. Most sane men and women would have long ago fled from this... cursed land. Her attention then fell on the person who was approaching them. One by one they were called forward, given something and then being told something in hushed whisper. When it came to her turn, a potion with purple liquid was handed to her, her very existance was revealed as a heresy and then she was shoved away. Damn rude! It's not like she chose to be born this way! She took a breath though, steadied herself and put away the potion, a gift was a good thing no matter what it actually did. She was going to figure it out eventually. Could save her life... or not, it could go either way really. The half vampire was really curious about the man though... He must hold some amount of power to be able to act like that, but she couldn't put her finger on what exactly he was. Finally seh concluded it was not really her business and left him to deal with the paladin woman. She turned her focus on the town again. The place was half decayed and half ruined as far as she could see. Buildings clearly showed signs of neglect, the windows for example long since had been crudely boarded up. Pondering their new locale, a question rose in her mind. Sure they would venture from this place out, but they couldn't quest without stop or rest. They would have to return here, ressuply and recuperate before venturing out. Where would they stay in this place? Personally she could very well do with an abandoned house really. It wasn't a problem for her to do so. What she was most worried about was the possibility of a trader in this graveyard of a town. They needed one or at least something along the lines of traders. They would need the supplies of varying kinds from provisions to lamp oils and even weapons.