[h2]A.L.M.A. Unit "Roxanne"[/h2] It seemed Jenny was alright. And so was Eileen. In that case, it appeared Roxanne didn't need to intervene. Of course, it quickly became evident that this wasn't the case, as Jenny first drew Cahreli's ire, and then Cahreli in turn drew Fellicia's; Ray's intervention made Roxanne's own intervention unnecessary, though, so she left the situation be, simply staying put for the time being. And then the Hive arrived. As they took stock of the situation, Rose directed her workers to assist - Hyacinth comforted Ray, who seemed to be saddened by the argument; Tulip and Daffodil greeted Jenny cheerily; and Lavender, rather than helping, simply wandered around the room. Rose, meanwhile, approached Roxanne, asking what exactly was going on, to which Roxanne responded as follows: 'Ray and I have a mission to deliver to all students. This will be better elaborated upon once the entire student body is present to listen. Jenny's movement through the mess hall has disrupted the layout of the tables. Cahreli has confronted Jenny about the table disruption. Fellicia has confronted Cahreli about her behaviour, climbing Jenny's frame and using her quills to silence her and draw her attention. Ray is attempting to settle the situation, and seems to be on the verge of crying as a result. You and the rest of the Hive have arrived, and you have directed your drones to help settle the situation. I would elaborate on how, but you are already aware of what each is doing. How are you all feeling today?' It could be extremely boring, listening to Roxanne talk for long periods of time with as little inflection as she did. She had, however, addressed Rose's question, relaying the situation as exactly as it was plausible to.