[center]Blazermate Level 2 - (7/20) EXP Location: Ancient Gardens Word Count: 483 [/center] It didn't take long for the group to catch up to Linkle and Din, thanks to Blazermate's scouting. Linkle had just finished up her battle when they arrived, looking a bit ragged but mostly intact. As the group made their way to Din after picking up Linkle, Blazermate used her healing beam to heal any damage Linkle might've taken during her scrap, although she seemed mostly fine. [color=0076a3]"While I can heal your body, I can't really fix your cloths Linkle."[/color] Blazermate said, as Linkle offhandedly asked if anyone could fix her torn clothing. Din and Ratchet looked a bit worse for wear than Linkle, although not by too much. Having healed up Linkle, Blazermate started to work on Din and Ratchet as the Master of Masters told the group that this pig man named Roadhog, was going to be a part of the group to save the world. Blazermate didn't really get why this masked man guessed at the future, as it wasn't set in stone, but another ally would be nice at least. What the master did next amazed and confused Blazermate. From the looks of things, using his odd weapon, he took a piece of Din's.... Blazermate wanted to say medal, and put it into Roadhog, bringing his skin and everything back to a much more natural color. This seemed to take a lot out of this master of masters to do, which was the most confusing part of it all. Seeing this, Blazermate gave the Master a large dose of her healing beam, saying [color=0076a3]"Hope this helps, I guess your healing abilities cost you a lot of stamina."[/color] Giving the master a good dose of healing, Blazermate turned her attention to Roadhog. Around this point, Courier 6 and Zer0 rejoined the group, the former giving Ratchet a new funky looking gun and reporting in on what happened with him and Zer0 in the canyon. Absently healing Roadhog and hitting him with a revive protocol to get him up and on his feet, Blazermate looked at the two and exclaimed. [color=0076a3]"Wow what happened to you two? You really need to stick with your healer if you guys are going to come back that ragged!"[/color] Before Blazermate was done with Roadhog, Toba exclaimed to the group that Kirby was missing, and some Rabbids had taken him and were making their way to the scrapyard up ahead. Hearing this, Courier 6 and Ratchet took off to chase Kirby's captors. Having given Roadhog some healing, Blazermate took off with the two, trying to get her healing beam on the courier, yelling. [color=0076a3]"Don't take off without your healer again!"[/color] Considering a fight would be fast approaching, it'd be best to keep these two healed up considering they had just fought, and 6 hadn't gotten any healing yet unlike Ratchet, and he looked the worse for wear.