[center][color=9966cc][h2]Shikkaru Nara[/h2][/color][/center][hr][hr] So this was it, the time had finally come. Shikkaru would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous about today, even though today was something he had been looking forward to for years. He was finally a full-fledged shinobi! Granted, he was a genin, the lowest rank, but his plans were finally coming to fruition. Standing in the waiting room, Shikka was choking on adrenaline, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. The whole room was filled with energy, as the newly appointed genin sat there waiting for further orders. Realizing it might take a while for the adults to sort everyone out, Shikkaru took a moment to calm himself. Taking in a deep breath, he held the tension in his body, then let it go on the exhale. Looking around for familiar faces, Shikka was able to pick a few of his acquaintances out of the crowd of kids in the room. It was nice being taller than most kids his age, made it easier to see the important stuff. Right as he spotted Tsukai, one of his academy friends, and moved to call out to him, a jonin entered the room and ordered everyone to file in to the Hokage's office. Noticing Tsukai was taking the lead, Shikkaru grunted and started pushing his way after him, no way was he going to let him take all of the spotlight! Shikka managed to file in right behind Tsukai and made sure to give him a light punch on the shoulder. [color=9966cc]"What's up squirt?"[/color] He whispered to Tsukai's back. Normally, when he made fun of Tsukai's height, it lead to a friendly wrestling match or a light smack on the head, which he probably deserved. But in the presence of the Hokage, Tsukai wouldn't have that luxury, so Shikkaru made sure to send him a sly grin before bowing in acknowledgement of the Hokage. Since his friend introduced himself, Shikka figured he might as well too. [color=9966cc]"It's an honor to be here sir, my name is Nara Shikkaru."[/color]