Res rushed to the barracks, still filthy from her stay in the dungeons, she didn't own much but she wanted to make sure her stuff was still there. She spotted her fishing spear and grabbed it, forgoing the other weapons in the room as she wouldn't know how to use them anyway. She was keen to find her overcoat and shoulder bag, which she spotted haphazardly piled among the other confiscated things, as she lifted it she noticed it was significantly lighter than it was before, "Drats." She muttered, pulling the bag open, sure enough, her coin was missing. She scrounged around and pulled out the molding letter form her uncle, no one would bother taking it anyway but she wanted to make sure it was still there, she needed it for later. Pulling the bag over her shoulder, she dropped the coin she'd been given in the outside pocket. Heading back to the accommodations they had given her, she locked the door and proceeded to scrub herself clean, it was hard getting old crap and dirt out of her pockmarked skin, but she managed. She supposed they must have some sort of laundry service, but she didn't bother, she was used to hand washing her clothing and she was used to sleeping in damp cloth. Dusting off her overcoat she threw it on, she was colder than normal and wanted to hurry up and get the talking with the councilmen out of the way. The faster she was done with whatever this mission was, the faster she could get back to her own life, or at least she hoped so. She had no opinion on who to help first so she decided she'd go with the representative closest to her room. Res looked around, hoping to spot someone who could point her in the right direction.