[@Shard] [color=fff200]Liberty Highschool- Los Angeles- California[/color] Albert say the boy approaching as he left the front doors and crossed the threshold of the school's gate. He smiled and hit reached over, physically pulling the lock on the door, rather pointless as the top was down and Nello could have easily hopped over the top, but it was more out of habit than anything. "[color=00aeef]Well Kid, you've certainly looked happier in the past, other half giving you problems or life in general got you down?"[/color] Nello was one of the youngsters he'd met that he worried about more so than the others. The Kid was powerful, plain and simple, on top of that he had what Albert would label as a 'negative influence' literally walking in his shadow, and he understood the risk of someone young and impressionable being used, specially in this day and age. So when he first met the boy he had been an obvious.. he did not want to say target, but he felt it necessary to get the boy help, support and understanding. It was later obvious that the boy needed more, well, the being inside him definitely needed to be used. So his options were let the kid run around on his own, or take him directly under his own wing. His choice was obvious. And Nello had taken to it well, and possibly more importantly, while he couldn't be for sure Nocturne seemed at least satisfied.