[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=A86079]Yumiko[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/3qLfctiWvHN7O/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Yumiko had expected to get away with little to no contact with the guards. Maybe some fighting here or there, but she was expecting the other prisoners to take most of the attention. She hadn't expected or wanted everyone to follow her across the wall. But there they came and it irritated the woman to no end. Even more so was when the guards unleashed their fire bending. Yumiko tried to cover herself but she ended up being pushed over the wall. She wasn't alone as she saw the air bender bouncy girl fall. She moved to do the least amount of damage to herself, and she could feel the pull of air bending trying to soften the landing, but even as she hit the ground she heard the crack as pain shot in her arm. She stood up and clutched her arm, tending to it with waterbending. She must have been too anxious and quick as, instead of healing, it irritated it more. She sucked in a scream as she moved closer to the wall she just fell from. She wasn't in the mood to be blasted again. She needed to get out of there quickly.