[hider=Yarin Hayashi - READY FOR INSPECTION!] [center] [h2][color=fff79a]Yarin Hayashi[/color] 林ヤリン[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LEPOcId.png[/img] [color=fff79a][i][h3]"The brave are not those who do not feel fear, but those who conquer that fear"[/h3][/i][/color][hr]⚯ GENDER ⚯ [color=fff79a][b]Female[/b][/color] ⚯ AGE ⚯ [color=fff79a][b]13[/b][/color] ⚯ RANK ⚯ [color=fff79a][b]Genin[/b][/color] ⚯ MORE IN-DEPTH APPEARANCE ⚯ [color=fff79a][b]Yarin posses dirty-blonde coloured hair that just about reaches to the bottom of her chin. Her irises are a mixture lilac tones and skin is as pale as snow with a dusting of lively pinky-red across her cheeks. Her stature appears petite, especially with her height being merely 5"3. Littered all around the bottom of both of Yarin's legs are dark, roughly cross-hatched scars that climb up halfway between her ankles and knee caps. She's grown used to these scars so much that it doesn't bother her when they're on show, despite the fact that they look out-of-place in comparison to the rest of her skin. Her outfit of choice consists of loose-fitting, 3/4 length grey bottoms and a matching off-the-shoulder top. Underneath the loose top she wears a tight black sports top and over her entire outfit she wears an almost knee-length green thin jacket with a hood. Her socked feet are usually kept within comfortable black boots.[/b][/color] [hider=Outfit Visual Representation] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xzZZa3v.jpg[/img][/hider][hr]⚯ PERSONALITY TRAITS ⚯ [color=fff79a][b][color=39b54a]✔[/color] Always seeks the positive in every situation [color=39b54a]✔[/color] Caring [color=39b54a]✔[/color] Tactical [color=39b54a]✔[/color] Mature for her age [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Can possibly be manipulated due to her caring nature [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Can suddenly loose focus when under extreme pressure[/b][/color] ⚯ PERSONALITY ⚯ [color=fff79a][b]The word best to describe Yarin is neighbourly. A big pet peeve of hers are people who do certain things that make others around them uncomfortable without being considerate or even just taking the time to just stop and ask if everyone is Ok with it. With that being said, Yarin puts time into reading people and makes mental notes on the behaviour of others to gauge how she should act around them. Some may see this as unnecessary effort however she rather enjoys observing different unique personalities and finds it fun, kind of like a game in a way. When it comes to work she loves cooperating and working as a team, whether that team is other shinobi or inanimate objects she uses to achieve her current goal. Using the resources available to her in ways that aren't always obvious makes work just that bit more enjoyable.[/b][/color] ⚯ QUIRKS ⚯ [color=fff79a][b]● Tends to get quite nervous around certain people, she's not sure why. ● Nibbles on her bottom lip when she's thinking, sometimes to the point that it bleeds. ● Is rarely seen looking or seeming sad[/b][/color] ⚯ HOBBIES ⚯ [color=fff79a][b]● Drawing. ● Making tea [i][s]which doesn't always turn out good[/s][/i]. ● Gardening - seeing pretty flowers grow and embracing nature really helps her feel good. ● Socialising.[/b][/color] ⚯ LIKES & DISLIKES ⚯ [color=fff79a][b]+ Tea + Relaxing in nature + Getting to know people + Learning new things - Rude, mean or inconsiderate people - Negativity - Confrontation, [i]just because she doesn't like it, doesn't mean she won't defend herself if really needed[/i] - Upsetting people[/b][/color][hr]⚯ BIOGRAPHY ⚯ [color=fff79a][b]As far as Yarin is aware, her parents were average, loving people and really wanted her to succeed in whatever she chose to do in her life. When the proposition of becoming a shinobi was raised, both of her parents were hesitant at first but had promised to always be supportive of Yarin and thus helped her with whatever she needed in order to begin her journey. They weren't the wealthiest of people and were pretty withdrawn from their village as they preferred to stay as hidden as possible but regardless they did their best through their own means to ensure Yarin had what she needed while growing up. There's nothing particularly special about Yarin, she is just an average little girl with a goal. Unbeknownst to her parents, all she had ever wanted to do was make them proud of her by achieving the highest professional role she could think of and perhaps take care of them for a change. It was definitely a risky choice and Yarin is young, but despite this her parents knew she had to grow up a little faster than most children her age so no doubt she had honestly thought about whether she really wanted to go through this. And so, there Yarin went to begin her academic studies.[/b][/color] ⚯ RELEASE TYPE ⚯ [color=fff79a][b]Earth Release Type - Able to use all academy taught skills. [i]Aiming for Crystal Release Type (晶遁) in future if possible.[/i][/b][/color] [/center] [i]"Omae wa mou Konohamaru deru"[/i] [/hider]