Alexei peeked over the side of the helicopter's tail as the rat man talked to...the terrorist...and his rat... The bad thing about his power, which was really just the cherry on top of a pile of bad things, was that he never really knew what he had done. He supposed it could have created the rat, but then again there was just as likely a chance that he'd created the boy and retroactively inserted him into everyone's memories. The big flash could certainly have done that. Or it could mean the moon was now falling from the sky. Again. Nevertheless the man had stopped and...seemed to have calmed down. Alexei nodded and went over to the the side door. He could see the pilot inside, a little shaken but not obviously harmed, struggling to undo his seatbelt. Alexei went to pull open the door, bit found it James shut from the crash. He stepped back and briefly considered throwing wild magic at the problem again before deciding better of it and walking back around. If he couldn't recruit those two to help he could always wild magic later. "Excuse me." He called out to Gregor and Kato. "You're quite strong. I promise I won't report you to the authorities if you pry open this helicopter so we can extricate the pilot."