[hider=Ivaron Andesil] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Ivaron Andesil[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/brenielverse-rpg/images/a/ac/Human_Portrait_Male.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170201142818[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Name:Ivaron Andesil[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Aliases: Shadrik, Aredis, Raloryn[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Age: 30[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Race: Human[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Place of Origin: Lordaeron[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Gender: Male[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Class/Job: Enchanter/Budding Scholar[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Faction: Aligned with the Alliance in most major conflicts, however he is agreeable to the values of the Forsaken and tries to make no direct moves against them.[/color][/b] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Stats[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=00aeef][i][center]Though we will not be rolling dice for feats, this will give a base line to run off of for your character. Max for any stat is 20, average is 10. You have 85 stat point to assign between the six stats. [/center][/i][/color] [b][color=00aeef]Strength:11[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Dexterity:16[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Constitution:9[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Intelligence:15[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Wisdom:14[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Charisma:16[/color][/b] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Physical Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Height: 5’ 10”[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Weight: 205 lbs.[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Build: Lean/Muscled from physical labor[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Eyes:Pale Blue[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Hair:[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Skin Tone: Olive/Almond[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: A Crescent shaped gash below right eye[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Day To Day Attire: Cream and Sky Blue colored linen robe with a wool lining with thin red and orange silk adorning it in various swirling patterns. Ivaron maintains a boiled leather chest piece, vambraces, and breeches beneath it as some minor protection. As well as flimsy leather boots. In hotter climates he removes the robe. Beneath all are thin, rather threadbare linen small clothes.[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Strengths:[/color][/b] Max of 3[list][*]Decently skilled with magic when wielding his Poleaxe][*][/list] [b][color=00aeef]Weaknesses:[/color][/b][list][*]1. Ivaron has developed an addiction to the use of arcane magic. He carries around a small crystal that he imbues with energy at the cost of his physical well being. It sates his need for a time, yet he is limited to how often he may do this.[*]2. Ivaron has a bad leg that had never healed properly after a nasty break. This gives him a noticable limp that leads to him having a severe disadvantage to any sort of melee that would occur, or when escaping. He maintains a walking stick at most times.][*]3. Ivaron is anemic and prone to fainting spells at mostly inopportune times. Ivaron maintains a set of phials filled with enchanted water to help reduce the chance of this, but he only has a set of 4 at any time, and the process of enchanting them takes considerable effort and downtime that leaves him weakened after.][*]4. Although decently skilled with the arcane arts while normally wielding his Poleaxe, when it is not on his person or near enough him(6 feet) he is noticeably weaker in his use and control of his magic.][/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Psychological Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=00aeef][center]Trait [Vindictive] Trait [Curious] Trait [Extroverted] Trait [Quick to Agree][/center][/color][/i] [b][color=00aeef]Relationship Status: Single[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Personality: Ivaron had a bit of a mixed upbringing between low and high class individuals. This has tempered his personality to be cynical with strangers and any he believes is putting up a false front. Upon getting to know them, he is reserved and subtly kind. However, he is far too trusting once he believes he has discerned one’s nature as well as quick to agree with those who he considers his companions as he doesnt wish to cause a divide. Ivaron does not often doubt his own judgement, for better or worse. Not one for outward shows of affection, he prefers smaller personal gestures. Ivaron is not overly intelligent in any particular way other than his understanding of the way people think. Ivaron has often been known to have a rather soft disposition towards small animals and especially wild ones. In the past he woud seldom be seen without a rabbit or squirrel within his care. It is curious though that he despises the elderly for a reason that isn't very apparent. He tends to keep his distance while they are around and makes no effort to aid them if they appear to be struggling.[/color][/b] Minimal 2 paragraphs [b][color=00aeef]Habits:[/color][/b] Minimal 2 [list][*]1. A rythmic tapping of his walking stick in the pattern of two, three, two, one.] [*]2. Ivaron has an unnatural urge to take keepsakes from places he visits or strange things he encounters. Much to his own peril at times.] [*]3. Ivaron also has a tendency to lack any filter when thinking and speaking. This includes negative and derisive comments.][/list] [b][color=00aeef]Hobbies: Traveling about Elewyn Forest and Winterspring in the Fall to observe the Flora.[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Fears:[/color][/b][list][*]1. Demons: Ivaron was never religious to any degree, yet has denounced that such creatures even exist because the idea that otherwordly beasts could walk among the world causes him to sieze up.][*]2. Heights][*]3. Large animals][/list] [b][color=00aeef]Likes: [/color][/b][list][*]1. Learning and obtaining knowledge.][*]2. Sweet candies and food.][*]3. Politics(although his understanding of them is very flawed and uninformed)][*]4. History][*]5. Studying Plant Life][*]6. Fishing][*]7. Small animals][/list] [b][color=00aeef]Dislikes:[/color][/b] 6 minimal[list][*]1. Large animals][*]2. Hot climates.][*]3. Orcs and Tauren.][*]4. Interracial relations.][*]5. Gnomes][*]6. People who don’t eat meat.][/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=00aeef][i][center][/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=00aeef]Skill: Jack of All Trades(Racial Edge)[/color][/b]Natural Inclination to learning new things. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Skill: Polearm Training[/color][/b]: Ivaron wields a Polearm that he has had for the last fifteen years.(will be described in items) [*] [b][color=00aeef]Skill:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=00aeef]Skill:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=00aeef]Skill:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=00aeef]Skill:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Magic[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Type of Magic: Arcane[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Magic Specialization: Evocation/Conjuration[/color][/b]( Be it some kind of elemental or non elemental for arcane, healing or harming for holy and etc... You can also use magic outside of your specialization but it will be harder to pull off to a degree) [b][color=00aeef]Magic Examples:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=00aeef]Conjure Weapon[/color][/b]: Ivaron conjures a simple, one handed weapon no larger than twenty-eight inches. This weapon is of middling durability and quality and does not remain stable for more than two hours at a time. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Flame Lash[/color][/b]: IVaron summons a single, or set, of five foot long tentacles of flame that coil about either or both of his forearms to the elbow. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Enchant Water[/color][/b]: Ivaron enchants any vairety of mostly clean water to become the form of energy replenishing potion he consumes to recover from the exhaustion of certain magic. This ritual takes at least fifteen minutes of uninterrupted concentration to succeed. This is also limited to only as much water as will fit in the set of vials that he carries. If not consumed within two weeks, the enchantment dissipates. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Makeover[/color][/b]: Ivaron can with little effort change his appearance in almost any way. These are true alterations of his form, other than changing the relative mass of his overall body, or modifying his height. Any changes that affect weight are limited to ten pounds more or less. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Pain Rain[/color][/b]: Ivaron spends several minutes conjuring up a dozen and a half arrows above his head before directing them with great force at his target. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Mass Transformation[/color][/b]: While commonly used upon his own Polearm to make it easy to transport, Ivaron can also change the mass and shape of simple objects. Example: Turn a five pound stone into a thin sliver that could pierce flesh as a makeshift weapon. [/list] [h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Possessions[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Possessions Generally On Person:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=00aeef]Extra pair of clothing[/color][/b]: Self Explanatory [*] [b][color=00aeef]Crude steel slugs[/color][/b]: Ivaron carries around a set of four steel slugs typically used in a blunderbuss. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Set of four Phials[/color][/b]: Four small phials in a belt at his waste typically filled with his enchanted water, yet able to hold small amounts of any liquid and sometimes plant samples. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Medium Sized pouch[/color][/b]: A rather average fur and leather pouch with rawhide lacing to close it that contains all of his smaller belongings that hands on a reinforced leather strap on his shoulder. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Focusing Crystal[/color][/b]: A single purple and pink amethyst whose facets shine in the light. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Rope[/color][/b]: Twenty feet of hempen rope usually wound about his shoulders. The weight and composition has been modified through magic to make it lighter and more flexible when not in use as to not hinder Ivaron’s movement. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Coin Purse[/color][/b]: Three gold pieces and a handful of coppers and silver. [*] [b][color=00aeef]Silver Ring[/color][/b]: A Silver ring inlaid with Emerald. [/list] [b][color=00aeef]Weapons:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=00aeef]Jade[/color][/b]: A nearly six foot long poleaxe that Ivaron uses as his main weapon. The haft is forged of a blue-purple Mithril inlaid with silver. The large axe blade and curved prongs opposite it are composed of Thorium with a steel cap at the top end to hold the head on the haft. [/list] [b][color=00aeef]Armor:[/color][/b] Base armor only, no magically enhanced items [list] [*] [b][color=00aeef]Leather[/color][/b]: Ivaron is usually clad in a set of standard boiled leather, including a small coif when need be. Exceptions being much lower quality leather boots. [/list] [b][color=00aeef]Animals:None [/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=00aeef]Animal:None[/color][/b] [/list] [b][color=00aeef]Pack Contents:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=00aeef]Water skin[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=00aeef]Linen[/color][/b] [/list] [b][color=00aeef]Magical Items:[/color][/b] To be established [list] [*] [b][color=00aeef]Item:[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=00aeef]Item:[/color][/b] [/list] [b][color=00aeef]Potions:[/color][/b] Described above. [list] [*] [b][color=00aeef]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=00aeef]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=00aeef]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=00aeef]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=00aeef]Item:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Childhood:[/color][/b] He discovered his magical talent at age ten during a fight with his brother who was three years his senior. While he was harassing Ivaron about his short stature, he eventually he shoved him onto the floor of their home while hurling insults. Ivaron had become incredibly angry when he stood to confront his brother, screaming and attacking his him. The boys’ caretaker came downstairs to investigate the commotion and began to scold Ivaron for the incident, when, in a blind rage, Ivaron waved his hand and spoke his first word of power. The small brazier behind her blazed brightly and the flames lept out and onto her, engulfing her body. [b][color=00aeef]Adulthood:[/color][/b] At age eighteen, Ivaron had conquered the fear of magic and became apprenticed to a less than sane, but powerful, wizard by the name of Relarid Voran. He spent the next ten years under the tutelage of this man, Learning to harness his magical ability and focusing on the fire magic that had so scarred his childhood. The first lesson he had learned was that of controllon his emotions. He had a basic understanding of every magic school, save necromancy, but took very strongly to Evocation and Transmutation, becoming particularly skilled in them. After his tenth year under Relarid’s tutelage, an overly ambitious spell was the mages undoing. Ivaron had set out afterwards to do tribute to his mentor by spreading what knowledge he did have to other budding magic users. [b][color=00aeef]Special Moments:[/color][/b] The death of his childhood caretaker and friend. [b][color=00aeef]Current Events:[/color][/b] Ivaron would have been most likely traveling about the world as he does several times a year until he happened upon an anomaly which lead to his transporting back to the past. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Character Quote:[/color][/b] None [b][color=00aeef]Theme Song:[/color][/b] Will Expand upon at a later date. [b][color=00aeef]Aura Color:[/color][/b] Not really sure. Will add later. [b][color=00aeef]Scent:[/color][/b] Stale bread and faint herbs. [b][color=00aeef]Anything Else:[/color][/b] Korialstrasz is best character of course. [/hider]