[center][img]https://puu.sh/zOBE4/03901218f5.png [/img][/center] [hr] “[i][b]Bam[/b][/i]” With the sudden noise of a bat hitting a table, Snow cringed and trembled before slowly looking towards Shirou. He had already begun berating Snow and Momoe, but for some reason, she felt somewhat comforted by his words...until he commanded her. She instantly looked away from him when he demanded an apology; a request that single handedly destroyed his reputation. She went to Hope’s Peak to get away from this kind of treatment, but it seemed that no matter where she went, everyone always ended up treating her the same; and at the worst possible moment, Maiya entered the fray. She comforted Snow, even touching her; told them to stop this bickering and focus on the real threat...But she didn’t want to be comforted, she wanted to be strong; didn’t want to be defended, she wanted to be fierce; she didn’t want to be taken care of, she wanted to be independent; she didn’t want to say sorry, and she didn’t want to be told sorry. But despite these feelings, she felt too drained to try and fight, so she let it happen. Only when Momoe passed by and left the area completely, did Snow move from her spot, slowly getting on her feet with her eyes still locked to the ground. with a last teardrop releasing from her red and watery eyes, she looked up towards Shirou. Her make-up had been ruined for the second time today, but this time she didn’t seem to care about it as it seemed her furious gaze was set on the ‘[i]hero[/i]’. [color=999cc8]“A [i]real[/i] hero would’ve freed us already…[i]Fake[/i]...”[/color] And those were the last words she said as she stumbled her way out of the mess hall. … … [color=fbd178]“Let’s try that again.”[/color] [center][img]https://puu.sh/Cs665/2a71aa9492.png[/img][/center] A voice reached out from the distance; it was Flare who calmly stepped forward, stopping in front of Maiya to pat her on the head. [color=fbd178]“You need to give yourself more credit; you handled that situation very well, so stop saying [i]sorry[/i] already.”[/color] Flare’s heartwarming smile aimed at Maiya slowly softened as she continued to move towards Chikako. [color=fbd178]“As far as I’m concerned, what just happened...never happened.”[/color] She calmly spoke, accentuating her words with arm movements. [color=fbd178]“It’s just the stress getting to all of us; [i]all[/i] of us.”[/color] She said glaring at Shirou before looking back towards Chikako. [color=fbd178]“And honey, you should probably listen to Emiya, because getting out of here will not be that easy.”[/color] There was a semblance of pity in her tone, but it quickly washed away as she addressed the remaining group. [color=fbd178]“I'm sure that somebody has something to say, so go ahead.”[/color] [center][img]https://puu.sh/Cs666/3b193c7a01.png[/img][/center] [color=turquoise]“Yes.”[/color] Following Naomi’s tradition, Hibiki Matsuo finally decided it was time to say a few words of his own; if a bit reluctantly. [color=turquoise]“There is a building to relax, read, and...relief yourself of stress.”[/color] He calmly stated. [color=turquoise]“I will be there today if anybody wants to...vent.”[/color] Although he really just hoped to take a siesta in what appeared to be his own lab.