[center][h1] Wisdomverse [/h1][/center][hr][hr] "Aaand... done. Now, to wait for the reaction. If it happens, that is." Elune was in her laboratory, testing a certain theory she had. Something involving the moon's core. She was actually located in her lunar research facility right now. She was floating above a giant-sized beaker, holding her own normal beakers in her hands. As this was the Moon, she could easily jump upwards and hover downwards, thanks to the low gravity. She could set the facility to be in normal gravity, as it was embedded with gravity stones that would make everything heavier, but the experiment required a low gravity environment. "Master, please be careful." From below watching her was her personal assistant, a male homunculus by the name of Tiberius. He looked young, about 15 years old or so. His outfit was that of a butler, though he wore knee-length shorts instead of trousers. He had purple short hair, with the usual red eyes and long ears all homunculi had. Elune landed in front of him with a smile. "Oh, you're such a worrywart, Tiberius. Here. Store these at the usual place." He took the beakers from her. "I'm finished right now. Time to take a break!" She did an upwards stretch, relaxing all the muscles of her body. As Tiberius stored the lab equipments, Elune went to the dining room where there were a group of homonculi servants all ready to serve her. One pulled the chair, one helped her with the napkin, one served the dishes, and there was even one acting as a tableside cook. Every day she lived lavishly like this. She could eat as much delicious food as she wanted without worrying about her figure, thanks to the food being created through alchemy, designed by her homunculus cooks to never make her fat no matter how much she ate. Such a lavish life with many servants tend to be only for alchemists, as the cost of ordering a servant homunculus wasn't exactly cheap. Only the most skilled alchemists could create them. Thankfully, Elune was one of them. As she drank her wine however, a blue light appeared out of nowhere and enveloped her. Before she could do anything, it activated, causing her chair to disappear, making her fall to the ground. Her servants could only watch in surprise as their master disappeared right in front of their eyes. [center][h1] Praxis[/h1][/center][hr][hr] "Ow!" A new environment suddenly appeared in front of her. An environment she was entirely unfamiliar with. "W-what...what just happened?" She rose up and dusted her dress off. She looked around. In front of her was a strange-looking person-like being while all around her were even more people, looking as disoriented as she was. "Do not be alarmed, I mean you all no harm," The strange being said with a near heavenly voice. "My name is Praxis, and I welcome you to the Initiative." "What? Who?" she replied, still flabbergasted. "Allow me to explain that there are more worlds out there than the universe you know, some of you are aware of that... some of you aren't," the being explained as tendrils came out of her (?) back and carried her down to the floor. It was enough to make her reach to her hairpin, readying herself for defense. "Ages ago there was an event that threw the balance of the multiverse off and created portals and other such disruptions. The Initiative's goal is to find worthy champions and send them across the multiverse to correct these disruptions. You all have been chosen as the newest team... Team G7." [i]M-mutiple universes? B-but that's a yet to be proven hypothesis! So it was right all along![/i] It was all that she focused upon. The rest she was still too shocked to receive to her brain. "Now, allow me to get across that you all will not be forced to participate in the Initiative, simply chose to and we will return you to your home dimension. But, if you want to participate, ask any and all questions now before we proceed." "Q-question, please!" She raised her hand immediately. "Is this really a different universe? I-if it is, then may I go around to examine it?"