Emily had staggered sideways and then watched in amazement as Edward turned into a true Vampire Lord, ripping into his enemies with a skill that surprised everyone. She had placed a delicate hand to her mouth to smother a gasp of admiration when two soldiers appeared next to her. One smiled and took her arm. "This way m'lady. We'll get..." His next words ended in a gasp and he slumped to the ground as Solomon whipped his sword upward to kill the second soldier. Emily opened her mouth to scream but the sword was suddenly at his throat. The man in front of her was tall, handsome, and wore an Imperium guardsman's cloak over a deep red jacket that was certainly not issue. "Not a word now, lovey. Be a shame to cut your throat." She nodded, her eyes wide in terror as he slipped an arm around her shoulders and hurried her toward the castle crying "Make way!" Soldiers parted in front of them, barely paying them a glance. Just before the castle he turned a sharp right into an alley and hurried Emily deeper into the city. The last sight he had of the carnage was the Vampire King with a sword at the throat of a Vampire Hunter. That man was doomed. He was very glad he had not revealed his identity to any of the fools while they were entering the Imperium. Though he was certain that the Vampire King would figure things out, the creature couldn't have survived so long otherwise. He didn't have much time and he knew it. Once the Prince figured out that his prize was gone, nothing would prevent him from ripping the city apart. There was only one place that he could possibly take the girl, and only one being who would be interested in paying for her. Ulrek. He paused briefly and pulled out a small bottle from his bag and a rag. He poured some of the liquid onto the cloth before holding it up to Emilys face. "Does this smell funny to you?" Emily inhaled without thinking and instantly became nauseous. She staggered for a moment then her vision began to cloud and she collapsed into his arms. He quickly heaved her over his shoulder and continued down the street until he found a stable. The owner took one look at the unconscious girl, the bag of gold in Solomons hands, and didn't say a word as he led a good looking mare from the stables, handing over the reins. Solomon nodded his thanks, heaved Emily over the saddle horn and then swung up behind her. He kicked the horse forward and made for the city gates. Smoke still rose from the entrance to the castle and he could see flames flickering among the other buildings now. A fire had broken out and the good weather that was currently passing over the city had chased away the rain allowing the blaze to spread. Chaos. He loved it. The guardsmen at the gate paid him no attention as they stared toward the smoke and he rode clear into the moors. The sun was racing across it in bursts as it battled with the clouds for dominance of the landscape. He kicked back his heels and rode hard for Ulreks Keep.