[hider=BIG PICTURE] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/25975b1b-adfe-4279-8c9b-ce555bc6e46e/d87mfms-b14e49ab-06d3-4950-9196-e8993081ab99.jpg/v1/fill/w_766,h_1043,q_70,strp/pirate_goblin_admiral_by_chillier17_d87mfms-pre.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=1a7b30]Name:[/color] Obsen Craine [color=1a7b30]Species:[/color] Goblin [color=1a7b30]Faction:[/color] Pirates [color=1a7b30]Synopsis of Character:[/color] A man of simple wants, a warm bed, a meal and a nice bottle to put him to sleep at night. Enjoys a good time with others and being heard, however his mistrust of others often keeps him from small personal engagements with others. He would prefer to be in the center of a mob, or observing from the side lines, no where in between. Patient with situations, impatient with people. [color=1a7b30]Synopsis of Role:[/color] Obsen, is old for a Goblin, he's walked many paths and worked many jobs. As a laborer, trader, demolitions 'expert' and even had a successful stint as a Quarter Master before that ship went crashing into the broad side of a meteor shower. He does what he's told to do, where it needs to be done when it needs to be done. But he works best slitting throats and working with explosives, and a shrewd negotiator. He sends off most of his earnings to an unknown recipient, whom he does not like to talk to, he just says he's paying back a debt and leaves it at that. [color=1a7b30]Relation to Ship/Crew:[/color] Boarding Crew, Assassin, bombardier and self appointed 'crew motivator' which largely consists of yelling, shin biting and hair pulling. -0-0 [hider=I don't know why the pictures I like are always so big seriously.] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/009/535/392/large/dongho-kang-afjaslkfj.jpg?1519558795&dl=1[/img] [/hider] [color=662d91]Name:[/color] Camie, just Camie [color=662d91]Species:[/color] Human [color=662d91]Faction:[/color] Pirates- slave [color=662d91]Synopsis of Character:[/color] If described by Obsen: She's my slave, like a flower, you can look, but don't go touching my garden without permission. She is a nervous and reserved young woman who prefers to keep to herself and Obsen whenever she can, enjoys star gazing and being upon a ship, hates when she has to put a foot on 'solid' ground. Very much non-combative and non-confrontational. [color=662d91]Synopsis of Role:[/color] She is Obsen's slave, he uses her largely for tasks he can't do, whether because of his very short stature, and that fact he is getting old and sometimes he just can't do everything he use to. This includes his job to a point, thus she is quick capable with a blade and explosives. However she has a very good reputation as obedient. There are rumors a many as to how she came to be Obsen's slave and why she has never tried to escape, but she says "I'm not supposed to reveal that, Master's orders." and Obsen will tell you to shove your curiosity somewhere.... creative. [color=662d91]Relation to Ship/Crew[/color]: Example: Cleans for Obsen and wherever she is told, cooks for whoever she is told to cook for, kills when she is told and does most anything as a slave should, to a point. Obsen has a few rules about the use of his Slave, you have to talk to him first for some things.