[hider=Ashalla, Ocean Matriarch] [b]Name:[/b] Ashalla [b]Their Sphere:[/b] The Abyss The Abyss is the source of the elemental entropic forces which drive change upon the landscape of Galbar. It is a dark and cavernous place, too deep for sunlight to penetrate. Most of the Abyss is filled with sea-water as dark as the depths of the ocean. In stark contrast to the cold, dark water above, the lower part of the Abyss is made of molten rock. A thin layer of igneous stone separates the water and magma, this layer constantly being broken by shifting currents and reformed as the magma is cooled by the water. The heat of this layer drives turbulent currents within the water of the Abyss, which in turn drives the ocean currents and storms of Galbar. The magma also provides the main source of illumination in the Abyss, meaning it is not totally dark, although darkness still characterises much of the Abyss. In some places, the magma is not content to sit at the bottom of the Abyss, but instead strives to rise through the water to Galbar above. If successful, these spots of rising magma create volcanoes upon the surface of Galbar. However, these rising pillars of magma are unstable things, prone to shifting, collapsing and rising again. This leaves an intricate pattern of igneous rock columns which can be found throughout the Abyss. Volcanic gases rise up from some of the cracks in the bottom of the Abyss. This injects heat and minerals into the water, and these columns of bubbling gases continue to rise all the way to Galbar, where they emerge from volcanic vents both terrestrial and marine. As a Sphere of water, lava and stone, air is scarce in the Abyss, and what pockets of 'air' are present is mostly unbreathable volcanic gas. Furthermore, the great depth of the Abyss means that the water is under immense pressure. This makes the Abyss a hostile place for surface-dwellers. However, the Abyss can support properly adapted life, with potential ecosystems leaching energy from the volcanic vents. It may one day become the resting place of great sea monsters, or the home Sphere of elemental spirits of water and lava. [b]Location of Sphere:[/b] The Abyss is a Cthonic Sphere. It is deep beneath Galbar, closer to the Core than the Middle Sphere. It is theoretically reachable via natural connections from Galbar, through the deepest parts of the ocean or in the bowels of volcanoes, but such natural connections are unreliable and dangerous to traverse. The Abyss neighbours Ehomakwoi, the Sphere of Stone, where these two elemental Spheres complement each other. The Abyss's influence bubbles up through the Purlieu in a similar manner to how it influences Galbar, although accessing the Abyss from Purlieu is just as difficult as accessing it from Galbar. Most of the Abyss's magma is channelled through Muspellsheim to fuel its great volcanoes. Some of the Abyss's magma seeps into the Pit of Trials. [b]Portfolio:[/b] Ocean An ocean is a vast expanse of water, typically salty, on the scale of continents or even planets. Oceans are large reservoirs of not just water but the entropic forces of wind and heat. Oceans shape the continents with their eroding waves and control the climate with their storms, currents and temperature. Oceans are places where a vast diversity of life can thrive, both along the coast and in the depths, and this life can support mighty civilisations. Oceans are variable, sometimes calm and peaceful, sometimes tempestuous and dangerous. While oceans can be a great boon to those who can use them, the ocean is too mighty to be harnessed and controlled by mortal hands so only those who respect the ocean can benefit from it for long. As Goddess of the Ocean, Ashalla commands the ocean in all its primal might. Waves, storms, currents and even to an extent tides are within her dominion, so these things obey her will and reflect her mood. She is a strong swimmer, able to move through the seas at an incredible pace, and she is stronger when in the ocean, able to leverage the ocean's vastness to her advantage. She also has an affinity with all ocean life, allowing her to communicate with, command and even create sea life with ease. [b]Persona:[/b] Ashalla is the physical embodiment of the ocean, and her personality reflects this. At times she is calm, approachable, even hospitable. Yet her temper is short, especially towards those who fail to give her the respect she believes she is due or those who exploit what is hers. Her wrath is a terrifying thing, remorselessly destroying anyone and anything unfortunate enough to be caught in her rage. Ashalla regards mortals as weak and transient, but not with indifference. As ephemeral as mortals may be, collectively they can leave an impact upon her domain, so she pays attention to them. She is willing to offer mortals hospitality and care, provided they respect her domain and provide the appropriate fealty and offerings to her. She is particularly fascinated by beautiful works of art from singing to architecture. Those who instead scorn her may find the ocean to be an unwelcoming and dangerous place. At her worst, Ashalla can be scornful, domineering, unforgiving, hot-tempered and violent. At her best, Ashalla can be protective, caring, generous and artistic. [b]Appearance/Form:[/b] Ashalla's preferred forms are vast and elemental. Her first form is one of water, towering and colossal like the largest waves during the fiercest storms. While she may often adopt a shape which is vaguely humanoid (or whatever shape mortals or fellow gods are) for familiarity, her body is amorphous so it can twist into virtually any shape water can adopt. Details in her shape are often highlighted by foam, sand, algae or seaweed. Underwater this form is virtually invisible unless Ashalla chooses to be visible. While this form wields incredible strength and speed while in water, on dry land this form is significantly weaker. [b]Musical Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://youtu.be/263vtS2pt6I[/youtube] [/hider]