[h2]Alexander[/h2] "Works for me," Alexander said as he accepted the items, "See you there!" And with that he was bounding back upstairs. Based on the request he'd been given he presumed Kade and Eleanor would see to any immediate lighting needs on the ground floor, so he continued to the grand staircase and kept going up to the 3rd floor. He actually stuffed the lighter into his pocket, preferring to rely on the matches to light the small candles in the halls. He went up to each door, knocked briefly, and if nobody answer stepped in and quietly placed some candles on the nightstand between the two beds, let them, and left. Sometimes there was an answer, in which case he handed the occupants the candles and a match, told them to light them, and then meet in the dining hall. Sometimes he got some odd looks or lip service from the occupants, but he shrugged it off in turn. They were all a little mad here, even if the Logic kids didn't want to admit it. It took him some time to do all of the 3rd floor, but from there he headed back downstairs and kept right on going.