Welcome! This is an RP set in a post-apocalyptic world in a science fiction/fantasy setting. This is sortve like Mad Max meets 40K. Specifically, the action will take place along the Jericho Road, a trade route across the wasteland between the sinister and mysterious industrial city of [i]Terminus Est[/i] and the rich city states in the relatively more fertile and civilized lands known as the Greenlands. The convoys that ply the Road and the other, lesser routes through the badlands are manned by the badasses of a badass world. Caravans are composed of tanks, walkers, huge armored crawlers, and whatever else we can think of, designed to get vital goods across the wasteland safely. The RP will center around a group of caravaners, mercenaries and assorted others who find themselves at the settlement of Jericho's Reach, situated roughly at the midpoint of the Road. That the Reach is about to come under attack from a horde of mutants is something I hardly need to tell you. Character sheets are simple- I'd like a post, in character, that gets across your characters appearance, personality, and skills. More important than that, the post should be interesting. They need not be super long. Characters really can be whomever you like. They should just be in Jericho's Reach at the start of the RP, but your application post need not take place there. Please post it in the OOC behind hiders and with [@Flagg] tagged. I'll be putting some setting details here in the OP over the next few days, but the setting really is ripe for your creative talents. Settlements, factions, religions, myths, histories- flesh these out as you flesh out your characters. Worldbuilding & improvising is very much part of this RP. I only ask that how Old World [i]actually[/i] fell not be known to our characters, but characters are welcome to believe they do know how it fell or have theories. A few brief notes: - advanced tech exists, feel free to be creative. Most tech is powered by liquid or crystallized 'ichor' an oily mutagenic substance harvested we know not how at Terminus Est. - our world was almost certainly part of an interstellar empire before the end of civilization came. There would be plenty of evidence of spacefaring tech around. - magic & psionics exist, though they are less common. Ichor is likewise used by mages, shamans and the like for their rituals, but as I mentioned is highly mutagenic. - A variety of sentient races, including robots, are allowed. Obviously the world is filled with mutants, but non-human species need not necessarily be mutated humans. [hider=Rough map of the road] Note: this map is obviously waiting to be filled out by you, the good people of this RP. [img]https://i.imgur.com/iwZSMQk.png[/img] [/hider] As you can see, I'm being pretty sparse here in the hopes that you'll fill in the considerable gaps I'm leaving. I will be giving more detail as we progress, including a map, but I wanted to leave it fairly wide open at the beginning to see what folks come up with. Discord: https://discord.gg/9g5UyNs