[Center][h2][color=#7792EB]Solid Witch[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h2][color=gold][b]Bastion[/b][/color][/h2][/center] Just like that it was over, no sooner than she arrived the danger had begun to slowly level itself out and quickly dropped over the course of the remaining night, with having only saved one-person Rose took to inspecting the rest of the city looking for the highest concentration of malefic energy she could, the result being Miso high. It wasn’t necessarily difficult to procure the necessary tools needed to attend school without attracting attention. Slipping her backpack on and heading towards the school in a half-transformed state her expanding mind on as usual constantly feeding her information mostly about her surrounding being that she had never been on the side of the world before now. The walk was uneventful until her Dragoon system’s HUD overlaid with real life giving her a better understanding of the information currently around her. The cause of the alarm was two girls in the middle of the street leading to the school having a civilized discussion. Rose peered closer calling up an overlay for them in specific, under both girls were a set of green and blue bars representing health and mana and then under that were two boxes one red the other blue. The blue box was under the obviously dark girl with a note saying, [b]\\This fight is a fair toss-up//[/b] while the unknown girl that even her system couldn’t identify was red and read [b]\\What would you like your tombstone to say?// [/b] One way or the other Rose had to get past them in order to attend her first day of school and the dark girl was clearly the one stopping them, so she just strolled up beside the actual threat who only wanted to move forward. [color=#7792EB]“Hope I’m not interrupting anything, but are you going to stop me too?”[/color] She asked butting her head into their conversation with a smug smile, [color=#7792EB]“I’m sure me and my new friend here only want to peacefully attend class with the complete innocent intention of learning”[/color] she continued her words being directly translated via the Dragoon system of which otherwise communication was impossible. A few seconds after Rose made her impromptu introduction a second light girl Bastion as a matter of fact just strolled on by as if nothing were going on [color=gold]"Morning"[/color] she said dismissively without a single care in the world.